有没有办法通过 cloudformation/cdk 提供 aws sso 用户?

Is there a way to provision aws sso users via cloudformation/cdk?

查看本指南: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/use-new-account-assignment-apis-for-aws-sso-to-automate-multi-account-access/


有没有办法通过 cloudformation 或 cdk 创建 aws sso 用户?

遗憾的是,尚不支持AWS docs 表示将来应该添加此类支持,至少对 AWS API,然后您可以从 CloudFormation 中的自定义资源中使用它:

Future updates to AWS SSO Identity Store APIs, including additions for creation and modification of users and groups, will be documented in this reference as they are released.