return 对象的 JAX-WS 注释是什么

What is the JAX-WS annotation to return an object

我想公开一个 java class 作为 JAX-WS 服务。如果我从一个方法 return 一个字符串,这很好用,但我不知道如何 return 一个对象。查看 Oracle 的示例 (

public class CCService implements CCServiceLocal {

     * Default constructor. 
     public CCService() {

    public ApplicationConstant getConst( ) {
        return new ApplicationConstant("Group", "SubGroup", "Id", "Code", "Text", "Description" );


但是当我用 SOAPUi 调用它时,我得到一个空响应:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
      <getConstResponse xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="">


这是 ApplicationConstant class:

public class ApplicationConstant {

public  ApplicationConstant(String group, String subGroup, String id, String code, String text, String desc ) { = group;
    this.subGroup = subGroup; = id;
    this.text = text;
    this.code = code;
    this.desc = desc;

public  String group() { return group; }
public  String subGroup() { return subGroup; }
public  String constantIdentifier() { return id; }
public  String constantText() { return text; }
public  String constantCode() { return code; }
public  String constantDesc() { return desc; }

private String group;
private String subGroup;
private String id;
private String text;
private String code;
private String desc;    


好的,我找到了。我需要在我的 ApplicationConstant class 中添加一些注释,以及一个默认的无参数构造函数。

public class ApplicationConstant {

public ApplicationConstant() {

public  ApplicationConstant(String group, String subGroup, String id, String code, String text, String desc ) { = group;
    this.subGroup = subGroup; = id;
    this.text = text;
    this.code = code;
    this.desc = desc;

public  String group() { return group; }
public  String subGroup() { return subGroup; }
public  String constantIdentifier() { return id; }
public  String constantText() { return text; }
public  String constantCode() { return code; }
public  String constantDesc() { return desc; }

@XmlElement private String group;
@XmlElement private String subGroup;
@XmlElement private String id;
@XmlElement private String text;
@XmlElement private String code;
@XmlElement private String desc;    
