bolt-python 是否负责将 302 返回到 slack URL 以用于应用程序的直接安装 URL

Does bolt-python take care of returning 302 to a slack URL for an app's direct install URL

在为我的 Slack 应用填写详细信息时,我在直接安装 URL 字段中收到 Your application's redirect URL must return a status code of 302 to a url 错误(使用应用的安装 URL https://my-api-domain/slack/install) :

我想知道 bolt-python 是否会处理这种情况,或者这是开发人员需要自己处理的事情吗?我的 Slack 应用是否需要直接 URL?


Bolt for Python will also create a slack/install route, where you can find an Add to Slack button for your app to perform direct installs of your app. If you need any additional authorizations (user tokens) from users inside a team when your app is already installed or a reason to dynamically generate an install URL, you can pass your own custom URL generator to oauth_settings as authorize_url_generator.