如何使用 PowerCLI 获取与 vCenter 对象关联的任务?

How do I get the tasks associated with vCenter objects using PowerCLI?

我们在我们的环境中使用 vSphere 6.7。

我正在编写一个脚本来查找与我们的 vCenter 环境中的特定目标资源关联的某些任务。但是,Get-Task 只有 returns 个最近的任务显示在 HTML5 客户端的 Recent Tasks 视图中。我可以很好地获取与资源关联的事件,例如,我可以获取与给定数据存储文件夹关联的事件,如下所示:

Get-Folder FOLDER_NAME -Type Datastore | Get-VIEvent

但似乎没有等效的方法来获取与这些相同资源关联的任务。 Get-Task 不以与 Get-VIEvent 相同的方式接受管道输入,并导致错误:

Get-Folder FOLDER_NAME -Type Datastore | Get-Task


Get-Task: The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either
because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties
do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

Get-Task 也不显示 HTML5 客户端的 Recent Tasks 视图中未显示的任何任务。


Get-Folder FOLDER_NAME -Type Datastore | Get-Member


   TypeName: VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.DatastoreManagement.DatastoreClusterImpl

Name                             MemberType Definition
----                             ---------- ----------
ConvertToVersion                 Method     T VersionedObjectInterop.ConvertToVersion[T]()
Equals                           Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetClient                        Method     VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Interop.V1.VIAutomation VIObjectCoreInterop.GetClient()
GetHashCode                      Method     int GetHashCode()
GetType                          Method     type GetType()
IsConvertableTo                  Method     bool VersionedObjectInterop.IsConvertableTo(type type)
LockUpdates                      Method     void ExtensionData.LockUpdates()
ToString                         Method     string ToString()
UnlockUpdates                    Method     void ExtensionData.UnlockUpdates()
CapacityGB                       Property   decimal CapacityGB {get;}
ExtensionData                    Property   System.Object ExtensionData {get;}
FreeSpaceGB                      Property   decimal FreeSpaceGB {get;}
Id                               Property   string Id {get;}
IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond    Property   System.Nullable[int] IOLatencyThresholdMillisecond {get;}
IOLoadBalanceEnabled             Property   bool IOLoadBalanceEnabled {get;}
Name                             Property   string Name {get;}
SdrsAutomationLevel              Property   VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Cluster.DrsAutomationLevel SdrsAutomationLevel {get;}
SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent Property   System.Nullable[int] SpaceUtilizationThresholdPercent {get;}
Uid                              Property   string Uid {get;}

这不仅适用于文件夹任务,不过,如果给定资源不在 [= HTML5 客户端的 16=] 视图。相反,在 HTML5 客户端中,我可以使用它的 Monitor 选项卡轻松地枚举给定资源上的任务,但这对自动化没有帮助,除非以编程方式在 UI 中爬行(不是正在发生):

如何使用 PowerCLI 查看针对使用 PowerCLI 的特定资源的任务?

Luc Dekens 编写了一个脚本函数来解决您的问题。这是函数的副本,您可以使用实体参数定位特定资源。

function Get-TaskPlus {
    .SYNOPSIS  Returns vSphere Task information   
    .DESCRIPTION The function will return vSphere task info. The
    available parameters allow server-side filtering of the
    .NOTES  Author:  Luc Dekens  
    .PARAMETER Alarm
    When specified the function returns tasks triggered by
    specified alarm
    .PARAMETER Entity
    When specified the function returns tasks for the
    specific vSphere entity
    .PARAMETER Recurse
    Is used with the Entity. The function returns tasks
    for the Entity and all it's children
    .PARAMETER State
    Specify the State of the tasks to be returned. Valid
    values are: error, queued, running and success
    .PARAMETER Start
    The start date of the tasks to retrieve
    .PARAMETER Finish
    The end date of the tasks to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER UserName
    Only return tasks that were started by a specific user
    .PARAMETER MaxSamples
    Specify the maximum number of tasks to return
    .PARAMETER Reverse
    When true, the tasks are returned newest to oldest. The
    default is oldest to newest
    .PARAMETER Server
    The vCenter instance(s) for which the tasks should
    be returned
    .PARAMETER Realtime
    A switch, when true the most recent tasks are also returned.
    .PARAMETER Details
    A switch, when true more task details are returned
    A switch, when true all the keys are returned
    PS> Get-TaskPlus -Start (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
    PS> Get-TaskPlus -Alarm $alarm -Details
        [switch]$Recurse = $false,
        [int]$MaxSamples = 100,
        [switch]$Reverse = $true,
        [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.VIServerImpl[]]$Server = $global:DefaultVIServer,
        [int]$WindowSize = 100
    begin {
        function Get-TaskDetails {
            begin {
                $psV3 = $PSversionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3
            process {
                $tasks | ForEach-Object {
                    if ($psV3) {
                        $object = [ordered]@{ }
                    else {
                        $object = @{ }
                    $object.Add("Name", $_.Name)
                    $object.Add("Description", $_.Description.Message)
                    if ($Details) { $object.Add("DescriptionId", $_.DescriptionId) }
                    if ($Details) { $object.Add("Task Created", $_.QueueTime) }
                    $object.Add("Task Started", $_.StartTime)
                    if ($Details) { $object.Add("Task Ended", $_.CompleteTime) }
                    $object.Add("State", $_.State)
                    $object.Add("Result", $_.Result)
                    $object.Add("Entity", $_.EntityName)
                    $object.Add("VIServer", $VIObject.Name)
                    $object.Add("Error", $_.Error.ocalizedMessage)
                    if ($Details) {
                        $object.Add("Cancelled", (& { if ($_.Cancelled) { "Y" }else { "N" } }))
                        $object.Add("Reason", $_.Reason.GetType().Name.Replace("TaskReason", ""))
                        $object.Add("AlarmName", $_.Reason.AlarmName)
                        $object.Add("AlarmEntity", $_.Reason.EntityName)
                        $object.Add("ScheduleName", $_.Reason.Name)
                        $object.Add("User", $_.Reason.UserName)
                    if ($keys) {
                        $object.Add("Key", $_.Key)
                        $object.Add("ParentKey", $_.ParentTaskKey)
                        $object.Add("RootKey", $_.RootTaskKey)
                    New-Object PSObject -Property $object
        $filter = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpec
        if ($Alarm) {
            $filter.Alarm = $Alarm.ExtensionData.MoRef
        if ($Entity) {
            $filter.Entity = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecByEntity
            $filter.Entity.entity = $Entity.ExtensionData.MoRef
            if ($Recurse) {
                $filter.Entity.Recursion = [VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecRecursionOption]::all
            else {
                $filter.Entity.Recursion = [VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecRecursionOption]::self
        if ($State) {
            $filter.State = $State
        if ($Start -or $Finish) {
            $filter.Time = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecByTime
            $filter.Time.beginTime = $Start
            $filter.Time.endTime = $Finish
            $filter.Time.timeType = [vmware.vim.taskfilterspectimeoption]::startedTime
        if ($UserName) {
            $userNameFilterSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecByUserName
            $userNameFilterSpec.UserList = $UserName
            $filter.UserName = $userNameFilterSpec
        $nrTasks = 0
    process {
        foreach ($viObject in $Server) {
            $si = Get-View ServiceInstance -Server $viObject
            $tskMgr = Get-View $si.Content.TaskManager -Server $viObject 
            if ($Realtime -and $tskMgr.recentTask) {
                $tasks = Get-View $tskMgr.recentTask
                $selectNr = [Math]::Min($tasks.Count, $MaxSamples - $nrTasks)
                Get-TaskDetails -Tasks[0..($selectNr - 1)]
                $nrTasks += $selectNr
            $tCollector = Get-View ($tskMgr.CreateCollectorForTasks($filter))
            if ($Reverse) {
                $taskReadOp = $tCollector.ReadPreviousTasks
            else {
                $taskReadOp = $tCollector.ReadNextTasks
            do {
                $tasks = $taskReadOp.Invoke($WindowSize)
                if (!$tasks) { break }
                $selectNr = [Math]::Min($tasks.Count, $MaxSamples - $nrTasks)
                Get-TaskDetails -Tasks $tasks[0..($selectNr - 1)]
                $nrTasks += $selectNr
            }while ($nrTasks -lt $MaxSamples)


Get-VIEvent returns 各种各样的东西 - 幸运的是,包括任务!您可以通过类型 [VMware.Vim.TaskEvent] 或检查只有任务事件具有的 info 属性 来查看它们。例如:

$VIEvents = Get-VM $VMName | Get-VIEvent
$VITasks  = $VIEvents | Where Info
$VITasks | Select CreatedTime, FullFormattedMessage

CreatedTime           FullFormattedMessage                 
-----------           --------------------                 
8/19/2021 4:39:22 PM  Task: Remove all snapshots           
8/19/2021 4:38:04 PM  Task: Reconfigure virtual machine    
8/19/2021 3:52:06 PM  Task: Migrate virtual machine        


$VITasks.Info | select QueueTime,Name,EntityName,State

不过,关于实际发生的事情的高度详细信息通常存储在其他事件类型中。例如,要查看 'Reconfigure virtual machine' 任务中发生了什么变化,我需要检查具有 ConfigChanges 属性.


这些也恰好具有非常详细的结构,其中包含您可以解析的 ConfigChangesConfigSpec 属性。我只是在此处使用预先格式化的消息,但您可以使用计算属性以 Select 显示它们,就像我获取 VM 名称时所做的那样:

Get-VM My-Test-VM1 | Get-VIEvent | Where ConfigChanges | 
  Select -First 1 CreatedTime,@{label='VmName';expr={$_.VM.Name}},FullFormattedMessage |

CreatedTime          : 8/19/2021 4:38:04 PM
VmName               : My-Test-VM1
FullFormattedMessage : Reconfigured My-Test-VM1 on My-Test-Host1 in My-Test-Datacenter1.  
                       config.hardware.device(3002).deviceInfo.summary: "ISO (ISO-DATASTORE1) RHEL7.iso" -> "Remote ATAPI"; 

这些步骤适用于任何 event/task 类型,但您必须进行一些初步挖掘以找到存储所需数据的位置,以及如何以有用的方式显示数据。

无论出于何种原因,Get-Task 专门设计用于仅获取:

[...]information about the current or recent tasks[...]

Get-Task reference

worked for me here, but it does not let me get tasks from non-inventory objects, even if I change the type of -Entity to an [object[]]. However, I did post a follow up question about retrieving events from non-inventory objects, but this time I was able to 通过修改 LucD 编写的另一个函数,我在继续研究时发现了这个函数。 那么这和这个问题有什么关系呢?

感谢 ,我了解到任务 事件,当我获取事件并以不同的方式将“小麦与任务”分开时,他们的回答在下面帮助了我。

通过在我的 中使用修改后的 Get-VIEventPlus 到另一个问题,我可以区分任务和事件,因为它们在 HTML5 客户端中通过检查是否 Severity 在返回的事件上设置如下:

$dsCluster = Get-DatastoreCluster

$tasks = Get-VIEventPlus -Entity $dsCluster | Where-Object { ! $_.Severity }
$events = Get-VIEventPlus -Entity $dsCluster | Where-Object { $_.Severity }
