如何在 R 中将两列合并为一列,以便第二列中的每个值成为第一列中的每个其他值?

How to combine two columns into one in R, so that each value in the second column becomes every other value in the first column?



position <- c("A", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "F")
level <- c("P", "S", "J", "J", "P", "S", "S", "S")
car <- c("yes", "no", "no", "no", "no", "yes", "no", "yes")
car.data <- data.frame(position, level, car)

percent_car <- car.data %>%
  group_by(position) %>%
  summarise (car_yes = sum(car == "yes"), car_no = sum(car == "no")) %>%
  mutate(yes_perc = car_yes/(car_yes + car_no), no_perc = car_no/(car_yes + car_no))


    position car_yes car_no yes_perc no_perc
  <chr>      <int>  <int>    <dbl>   <dbl>
1 A              1      1      0.5     0.5
2 B              0      1      0       1  
3 C              0      1      0       1  
4 D              0      1      0       1  
5 E              1      0      1       0  
6 F              1      1      0.5     0.5

我的目标是从这个数据集创建圆环图,为此我需要一种形式的数据,其中每个位置都有两行 - 一行用于有车的人,另一行用于人,谁没有。我还想计算每一行的 ymax 和 ymin:

 Position yes_no car_yes_no yes_no_perc  ymax  ymin
   <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
 1 A       yes         1       0.5        0.5   0    
 2 A       no          1       0.5        1     0.5    
 3 B       yes         0       0          0     0    
 4 B       no          1       1          1     0    
 5 C       yes         0       0          0     0    
 6 C       no          1       1          1     0    
 7 D       yes         0       0          0     0    
 8 D       no          1       1          1     0    
 9 E       yes         1       1          0     0    
10 E       no          0       0          1     0    
11 F       yes         1       0.5        0.5   0    
12 F       no          1       0.5        1     0.5  

目前我正在 Excel 创建第二个数据集。你知道我如何在 R 中直接创建这样的数据集吗?


不完全确定 ymin/ymax 你的逻辑是什么,但这是一般的想法,运行 逐行查看发生了什么。

percent_car %>%
  pivot_longer(names_to = "key", values_to = "value", -position) %>%
    yes_no = str_extract(key, "yes|no"),
    key = str_remove_all(key, "yes|no|_")
  ) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = key, values_from = value) %>%
  arrange(position) %>%
    ymax = if_else(yes_no == "yes", perc, 1),
    ymin = if_else(yes_no == "yes", 0, 1-perc)
如果 if_else 需要嵌套

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