"well-known" 在 dbus 上下文中意味着什么

What does "well-known" mean in the dbus context

dbus-daemon 手册多次提到“众所周知”的事情。示例:

On platforms other than Windows, unix-based transports (unix, systemd, launchd) are the default for both the well-known system bus and the well-known session bus

This is the default for the well-known system bus and for the well-known session bus.

Rules with the own or own_prefix attribute are checked when a connection attempts to own a well-known bus names.


pydbus 库的文档将其解释为:

The bus name. This identifies which application you want to communicate with. You’ll usually identify applications by a well-known name, which is a dot-separated string starting with a reversed domain name, such as org.freedesktop.NetworkManager or com.example.WordProcessor.

如果您 busctl 例如:

$ busctl list
NAME                                       PID PROCESS         USER             CONNECTION    UNIT                      SESSION    DESCRIPTION        
com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification          739 applet.py       pi               :1.31         session-3.scope           3          -                  
com.redhat.PrinterDriversInstaller         739 applet.py       pi               :1.31         session-3.scope           3          -                  
fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant            439 wpa_supplicant  root             :1.4          wpa_supplicant.service    -          -                  
fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1                      439 wpa_supplicant  root             :1.4          wpa_supplicant.service    -          -                  
org.bluez                                25710 bluetoothd      root             :1.370        bluetooth.service         -          -                  
org.freedesktop.Avahi                      443 avahi-daemon    avahi            :1.3          avahi-daemon.service      -          -                  
org.freedesktop.ColorManager                 - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.DBus                         1 systemd         root             -             init.scope                -          -                  
org.freedesktop.DisplayManager             532 lightdm         root             :1.6          lightdm.service           -          -                  
org.freedesktop.PackageKit                   - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1                 533 polkitd         root             :1.7          polkit.service            -          -                  
org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1               742 rtkit-daemon    root             :1.24         rtkit-daemon.service      -          -                  
org.freedesktop.UDisks2                    432 udisksd         root             :1.5          udisks2.service           -          -                  
org.freedesktop.hostname1                    - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.locale1                      - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.login1                     423 systemd-logind  root             :1.2          systemd-logind.service    -          -                  
org.freedesktop.network1                     - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.resolve1                     - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.systemd1                     1 systemd         root             :1.1          init.scope                -          -                  
org.freedesktop.timedate1                    - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         
org.freedesktop.timesync1                  379 systemd-timesyn systemd-timesync :1.0          systemd-timesyncd.service -          -                  
org.opensuse.CupsPkHelper.Mechanism          - -               -                (activatable) -                         -         

D-Bus 有两种命名“总线”(连接)的方式:唯一连接名称well-known 总线名称。 用网络术语来说,唯一连接名称 就像一个 IP 地址,而 well-known 总线名称 就像一个 DNS 条目。应用程序 requests/registers well-known 总线名称 客户端稍后可以使用它来查找应用程序。

D-Bus 规范中的更多内容:https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#message-protocol-names-bus