如何使用 TensorFlow Federated 框架在有状态联邦学习中初始化客户端状态?

How to initialize clients' states in stateful Federated Learning, using the TensorFlow Federated framework?

我正在实现 SCAFFOLD 算法(https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.06378) in TensorFlow Federated, which needs stateful clients. I based my work on the answer to this ,但我无法正确初始化 'client_states'。为了初始化它们,我创建了以下函数

def intialize_client_state():
    return tff.federated_value(server_init(), tff.CLIENTS)

,并在 iterative_process.initialize()(初始化服务器的权重)之后立即调用它。通过这样做,我在调用“initialize_client_state”的行中收到以下错误:

ValueError: Expected at least one participant for the 'CLIENTS' placement, found none. It is possible that the inferred number of clients is 0, you can explicitly pass `num_clients` when constructing the execution stack



如果你只执行那个计算,执行者不知道预期的客户端数量,正如错误提示的那样。您可以通过在 Python 代码开头的某处使用您期望的 default_num_clients 调用 tff.backends.native.set_local_execution_context 来设置客户端数量。
