使用 python 和 Biopython 加入不同的 FASTA 文件

Join distinct FASTA files using python and Biopython

我必须创建一个软件来选择多个 fasta 文件并创建另一个包含所有序列的软件。为此,我完成了以下代码:

import sys,random
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio import AlignIO

# Use: python join_fasta.py infile1.fasta infile2.fasta outfile.fasta

infile1 = sys.argv[1]                                #Name of the input file
seq1 = list(SeqIO.parse(infile1,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input the first fasta file = ", infile1

infile2 = sys.argv[2]                                #Name of the input file
seq2 = list(SeqIO.parse(infile2,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input the second fasta file = ", infile2

totseq1 = len(seq1)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the first file = ", totseq1

totseq2 = len(seq2)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the first file = ", totseq2

outfile = sys.argv[3]                               #Name of the output file
print "Output fasta file = ", outfile

totseq3 = len(seq1) + len(seq2)                                   #Total number of sequences in the output file
print "Number of sequences in the concatenated file = ", totseq3

output = [infile1, infile2]

SeqIO.write(output, outfile, "fasta") 



Input the first fasta file =  ITS.fasta
Input the second fasta file =  banco_de_dados_ITS.fasta
Number of sequences in the first file =  114
Number of sequences in the first file =  20
Output fasta file =  ITS_combined.fasta
Number of sequences in the concatenated file =  134
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/phdias/Documents/Softwares_PH/join_fasta.py", line 35, in <module>
    SeqIO.write(output, outfile, "fasta") 
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Bio/SeqIO/__init__.py", line 535, in write
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Bio/SeqIO/FastaIO.py", line 345, in as_fasta
    id = _clean(record.id)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'id'



import sys,random
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio import AlignIO

# Use: python join_fasta.py infile1.fasta infile2.fasta outfile.fasta

infile1 = sys.argv[1]                                #Name of the input file
seq1 = list(SeqIO.parse(infile1,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input the first fasta file = ", infile1

infile2 = sys.argv[2]                                #Name of the input file
seq2 = list(SeqIO.parse(infile2,"fasta"))             #Create a list with all the sequence records
print "Input the second fasta file = ", infile2

totseq1 = len(seq1)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the first file = ", totseq1

totseq2 = len(seq2)                                   #Total number of sequences in the input file
print "Number of sequences in the second file = ", totseq2

outfile = sys.argv[3]                               #Name of the output file
print "Output fasta file = ", outfile

totseq3 = len(seq1) + len(seq2)                                   #Total number of sequences in the output file
print "Number of sequences in the concatenated file = ", totseq3

from itertools import chain
output = list(chain(seq1, seq2))

SeqIO.write(output, outfile, "fasta") 



Input the first fasta file =  ITS.fasta
Input the second fasta file =  banco_de_dados_ITS.fasta
Number of sequences in the first file =  114
Number of sequences in the second file =  0
Output fasta file =  its_c.fasta
Number of sequences in the concatenated file =  114


output = [infile1, infile2]

您正在使用 str 类型的文件路径,而不是使用 seq1seq2,并且您还需要将它们连接成一个序列,如下所示:

from itertools import chain
output = chain(seq1, seq2)

这样 output 是来自 seq1seq2

SeqRecord 项的生成器

虽然 BioPython 是一个很棒的工具,但如果您使用 pandas,事情会变得更容易。

import pandas as pd

def fasta_reader(file):
    fasta_df = pd.read_csv(file, sep='>', lineterminator='>', header=None)
    fasta_df[['Accession', 'Sequence']] = fasta_df[0].str.split('\n', 1, \
    fasta_df.drop(0, axis=1, inplace=True)
    fasta_df['Sequence'] = fasta_df['Sequence'].replace('\n', '', regex=True)
    return fasta_df


df = pd.concat(fasta_reader(i) for i in ['test1.fa', 'test2.fa'])


# Exporting to fa
# adding '>' for accessions
df['Accession'] = '>' + df['Accession']
df.to_csv('combined.fa', sep='\n', index=None, header=None)