在不使用 wg.Wait() 的情况下检查是否所有 goroutine 都已完成

Check if all goroutines have finished without using wg.Wait()

假设我有一个函数 IsAPrimaryColour(),它通过调用其他三个函数 IsRed() 来工作IsGreen()IsBlue()。由于这三个功能彼此完全独立,因此它们可以 运行 并发。 return 条件是:

  1. 如果三个函数中的任何一个return为真,IsAPrimaryColour() 也应该 return 为真。无需等待对方 功能来完成。即:IsPrimaryColour()true 如果 IsRed()trueIsGreen()trueIsBlue()
  2. 如果所有函数 return 为假,IsAPrimaryColour() 也应该 return 错误的。即:IsPrimaryColour()false 如果 IsRed()false AND IsGreen()false AND IsBlue()
  3. 如果三个函数中的任何一个return出错,IsAPrimaryColour() 也应该return这个错误。无需等待对方 函数以完成或收集任何其他错误。

我正在努力解决的问题是,如果任何其他三个函数 return 为真,如何退出该函数,如果它们都 return 为假,还要等待所有三个函数完成。如果我使用 sync.WaitGroup 对象,我将需要等待所有 3 个 go 例程完成才能从调用函数 return。

因此,我使用循环计数器来跟踪我在频道上收到消息的次数,并在收到所有 3 条消息后退出程序。


package main

import (

func main() {
    x := "something"
    result, err := IsAPrimaryColour(x)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Result: %v\n", result)

func IsAPrimaryColour(value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    found := make(chan bool, 3)
    errors := make(chan error, 3)
    defer close(found)
    defer close(errors)
    var nsec int64 = time.Now().UnixNano()

    //call the first function, return the result on the 'found' channel and any errors on the 'errors' channel
    go func() {
        result, err := IsRed(value)
        if err != nil {
            errors <- err
        } else {
            found <- result
        fmt.Printf("IsRed done in %f nanoseconds \n", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nsec))

    //call the second function, return the result on the 'found' channel and any errors on the 'errors' channel
    go func() {
        result, err := IsGreen(value)
        if err != nil {
            errors <- err
        } else {
            found <- result
        fmt.Printf("IsGreen done in %f nanoseconds \n", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nsec))

    //call the third function, return the result on the 'found' channel and any errors on the 'errors' channel
    go func() {
        result, err := IsBlue(value)
        if err != nil {
            errors <- err
        } else {
            found <- result
        fmt.Printf("IsBlue done in %f nanoseconds \n", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nsec))

    //loop counter which will be incremented every time we read a value from the 'found' channel
    var counter int

    for {
        select {
        case result := <-found:
            fmt.Printf("received a value on the results channel after %f nanoseconds. Value of counter is %d\n", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nsec), counter)
            if result {
                fmt.Printf("some goroutine returned true\n")
                return true, nil
        case err := <-errors:
            if err != nil {
                fmt.Printf("some goroutine returned an error\n")
                return false, err

        //check if we have received all 3 messages on the 'found' channel. If so, all 3 functions must have returned false and we can thus return false also
        if counter == 3 {
            fmt.Printf("all goroutines have finished and none of them returned true\n")
            return false, nil

func IsRed(value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    return false, nil

func IsGreen(value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) //change this to a value greater than 200 to make this function take longer than IsBlue()
    return true, nil

func IsBlue(value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
    return false, errors.New("something went wrong")


你不必阻塞 Wait 上的主 goroutine,你可以阻塞其他东西,例如:

doneCh := make(chan struct{}{})

go func() {

然后您可以在 select 中等待 doneCh,看看是否所有例程都已完成。


  • 您不需要关闭通道,您事先知道要读取的信号的预期数量。这足以满足退出条件。
  • 您不需要重复手动函数调用,使用切片。
  • 因为你使用了一个切片,你甚至不需要一个计数器,或者一个静态值 3,只要看看你的 func 切片的长度就可以了。
  • 切换到默认情况下是没用的。只需阻止您正在等待的输入。


func IsAPrimaryColour(value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    fns := []func(interface{}) (bool, error){IsRed, IsGreen, IsBlue}
    found := make(chan bool, len(fns))
    errors := make(chan error, len(fns))

    for i := 0; i < len(fns); i++ {
        fn := fns[i]
        go func() {
            result, err := fn(value)
            if err != nil {
                errors <- err
            found <- result

    for i := 0; i < len(fns); i++ {
        select {
        case result := <-found:
            if result {
                return true, nil
        case err := <-errors:
            if err != nil {
                return false, err
    return false, nil
  • 您不需要观察每次异步调用的时间,只需观察整个调用者花费的时间 return。
func main() {
    now := time.Now()
    x := "something"
    result, err := IsAPrimaryColour(x)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Result: %v\n", result)
    fmt.Println("it took", time.Since(now))



func operation1(ctx context.Context) bool { ... }
func operation2(ctx context.Context) bool { ... }
func operation3(ctx context.Context) bool { ... }

func atLeastOneSuccess() bool {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()
    defer cancel() // Ensure any functions still running get the signal to stop
    results := make(chan bool, 3) // A channel to send results
    go func() {
        results <- operation1(ctx)
    go func() {
        results <- operation2(ctx)
    go func() {
        results <- operation3(ctx)
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        result := <-results
        if result {
            // One of the operations returned success, so we'll return that
            // and let the deferred call to cancel() tell any outstanding
            // functions to abort.
            return true
    // We've looped through all return values, and they were all false
    return false

当然,这假设每个 operationN 函数实际上都支持已取消的上下文。 讨论如何做到这一点。

errgroup.WithContext 可以帮助简化这里的并发。

您想在发生错误或找到结果时停止所有 goroutine。如果您可以将“找到结果”表示为可区分的错误(沿 io.EOF 的行),则可以使用 errgroup 的内置“在第一个错误时取消”行为来关闭全组:

func IsAPrimaryColour(ctx context.Context, value interface{}) (bool, error) {
    var nsec int64 = time.Now().UnixNano()

    errFound := errors.New("result found")
    g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)

    g.Go(func() error {
        result, err := IsRed(ctx, value)
        if result {
            err = errFound
        fmt.Printf("IsRed done in %f nanoseconds \n", float64(time.Now().UnixNano()-nsec))
        return err


    err := g.Wait()
    if err == errFound {
        fmt.Printf("some goroutine returned errFound\n")
        return true, nil
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("some goroutine returned an error\n")
        return false, err
    fmt.Printf("all goroutines have finished and none of them returned true\n")
    return false, nil
