更改 My SQL Workbench 中用户定义列的类型/长度

Change type / len of a user defined column in My SQL Workbench

我在 Workbench 中使用 MySQL 查询,该查询使用 group_concat() 对多个字符串值进行分组。

select group_concat(iba.name, '   ' separator "--") as Entity_Business_Activity 
from entity_business_activities ent_eba
left join entities ent on ent.entity_id = ent_eba.entity_id # for entity Business Activity
left join industries ent_ind on ent_eba.industry_id = ent_ind.industry_id # Needs a group concat
left join industry_business_activities iba on ent_eba.industry_business_activity_id = iba.industry_business_activity_id #(need to be group concat)
where ent.entity_id = 600
group by ent.entity_id;


我在这里面临的问题是分组的字符串值太长,有时会增加 2000 个字符。但是只提取了1024个字符,其余的跳过了。


SET group_concat_max_len = 10000;