如何将整数值添加到日期并在 C# 中计算结束日期
how to add an integer value to a date and calculate the end date in c#
我正在构建一个 C# 控制台应用程序。
- 任务的工作量(小时)= 48
- 每天工作小时数 = 9
- 开始日期 = 26/02/2021
static void Main(string[] args)
//effort hours
Console.Write("Enter No of hours: ");
int hours;
if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out hours))
if (hours <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Hours of effort cannot be a negative value or 0");
Console.WriteLine("The no of hours entered is: " + hours);
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
//working hours per day
Console.Write("Enter No of working hours per day: ");
int WorkingHours;
if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out WorkingHours))
if (WorkingHours <= 0 || WorkingHours > 9)
Console.WriteLine("Maximum working hours per day is 9 hours and no of hours entered cannot be 0 or negative");
Console.WriteLine("The no of working hours entered is: " + WorkingHours);
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
//Enter start date
Console.WriteLine("Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): ");
DateTime startDate;
while (!DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out startDate))
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): ");
Console.WriteLine("The startdate is: " + startDate);
如评论中所述,您需要提供世界各地不同的假期列表。此外,定义的“工作日”/“周末”也可能因您正在开发应用程序的地区而异。例如,一些中东国家在 Thursday/Friday.
假设您有规律的 Saturday/Sunday 周末,您可以修改 FluentDateTime 提供的 DateTime Extension 如下,以包含假期集合
public static class Extentions
public static DateTime AddBusinessDays(this DateTime current, int days,IEnumerable<DateTime> holidayList)
var sign = Math.Sign(days);
var unsignedDays = Math.Abs(days);
var holidayCollection = new HashSet<DateTime>(holidayList);
for (var i = 0; i < unsignedDays; i++)
current = current.AddDays(sign);
} while (current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday
|| current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday
|| holidayCollection.Contains(current));
return current;
static void Main ( string[] args ) {
//effort hours
Console.Write( "Enter No of hours: " );
int hours;
if ( Int32.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out hours ) ) {
if ( hours <= 0 ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Hours of effort cannot be a negative value or 0" );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "The no of hours entered is: " + hours );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
//working hours per day
Console.Write( "Enter No of working hours per day: " );
int WorkingHours;
if ( Int32.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out WorkingHours ) ) {
if ( WorkingHours <= 0 || WorkingHours > 9 ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Maximum working hours per day is 9 hours and no of hours entered cannot be 0 or negative" );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "The no of working hours entered is: " + WorkingHours );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
//Enter start date
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): " );
DateTime startDate;
while ( !DateTime.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out startDate ) ) {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): " );
// Make sure the start date isn't a Saturday or Sunday!
if ( startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Cannot start work on {0} because it is a {1}",
startDate.ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ), startDate.DayOfWeek );
goto GetStartDate;
Console.WriteLine( "The startdate is: " + startDate );
// Determine number of work days:
double workDays = hours / WorkingHours;
Console.WriteLine( "\nTask will take {0} work days", workDays.ToString("0.00") );
// Determine total weeks and days:
double totalWeeks = workDays / 5D;
double totalDays = ( totalWeeks * 7D );
// Print statistics to Console for user
Console.WriteLine( "Task will take {0} weeks and {1} total calender days ...",
totalWeeks.ToString( "0.00" ), totalDays.ToString( "0.00" ) );
// Calculate ending date and display it:
DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(totalDays);
Console.WriteLine( "The ending date will be {0}", endDate.ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ) );
// Prompt user to restart:
Console.WriteLine( "\n\nProgram complete ... press Y to restart or any other key to continue.\n" );
if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) goto BeginRoutine;
我还没有针对所有可能的情况详尽地测试这个例程,它肯定不是做到这一点的“最佳”方式(例如,它没有考虑像圣诞节这样的假期,也没有针对地区和地区进行本地化)文化),但它似乎可以快速高效地解决您的简单问题。奇怪的是,我刚刚为我的策略游戏原型编写了一些非常有趣的 DateTime 代码,我在其中使用游戏循环来驱动 DateTime 前进并创建游戏内时间系统。
我正在构建一个 C# 控制台应用程序。
- 任务的工作量(小时)= 48
- 每天工作小时数 = 9
- 开始日期 = 26/02/2021
static void Main(string[] args)
//effort hours
Console.Write("Enter No of hours: ");
int hours;
if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out hours))
if (hours <= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Hours of effort cannot be a negative value or 0");
Console.WriteLine("The no of hours entered is: " + hours);
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
//working hours per day
Console.Write("Enter No of working hours per day: ");
int WorkingHours;
if (Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out WorkingHours))
if (WorkingHours <= 0 || WorkingHours > 9)
Console.WriteLine("Maximum working hours per day is 9 hours and no of hours entered cannot be 0 or negative");
Console.WriteLine("The no of working hours entered is: " + WorkingHours);
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
//Enter start date
Console.WriteLine("Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): ");
DateTime startDate;
while (!DateTime.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out startDate))
Console.WriteLine("You have entered an incorrect value.");
Console.WriteLine("Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): ");
Console.WriteLine("The startdate is: " + startDate);
如评论中所述,您需要提供世界各地不同的假期列表。此外,定义的“工作日”/“周末”也可能因您正在开发应用程序的地区而异。例如,一些中东国家在 Thursday/Friday.
放周末假设您有规律的 Saturday/Sunday 周末,您可以修改 FluentDateTime 提供的 DateTime Extension 如下,以包含假期集合
public static class Extentions
public static DateTime AddBusinessDays(this DateTime current, int days,IEnumerable<DateTime> holidayList)
var sign = Math.Sign(days);
var unsignedDays = Math.Abs(days);
var holidayCollection = new HashSet<DateTime>(holidayList);
for (var i = 0; i < unsignedDays; i++)
current = current.AddDays(sign);
} while (current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday
|| current.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday
|| holidayCollection.Contains(current));
return current;
static void Main ( string[] args ) {
//effort hours
Console.Write( "Enter No of hours: " );
int hours;
if ( Int32.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out hours ) ) {
if ( hours <= 0 ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Hours of effort cannot be a negative value or 0" );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "The no of hours entered is: " + hours );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
//working hours per day
Console.Write( "Enter No of working hours per day: " );
int WorkingHours;
if ( Int32.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out WorkingHours ) ) {
if ( WorkingHours <= 0 || WorkingHours > 9 ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Maximum working hours per day is 9 hours and no of hours entered cannot be 0 or negative" );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "The no of working hours entered is: " + WorkingHours );
else {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
//Enter start date
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): " );
DateTime startDate;
while ( !DateTime.TryParse( Console.ReadLine(), out startDate ) ) {
Console.WriteLine( "You have entered an incorrect value." );
Console.WriteLine( "Enter the start date date (e.g. dd/mm/yyyy): " );
// Make sure the start date isn't a Saturday or Sunday!
if ( startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Cannot start work on {0} because it is a {1}",
startDate.ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ), startDate.DayOfWeek );
goto GetStartDate;
Console.WriteLine( "The startdate is: " + startDate );
// Determine number of work days:
double workDays = hours / WorkingHours;
Console.WriteLine( "\nTask will take {0} work days", workDays.ToString("0.00") );
// Determine total weeks and days:
double totalWeeks = workDays / 5D;
double totalDays = ( totalWeeks * 7D );
// Print statistics to Console for user
Console.WriteLine( "Task will take {0} weeks and {1} total calender days ...",
totalWeeks.ToString( "0.00" ), totalDays.ToString( "0.00" ) );
// Calculate ending date and display it:
DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(totalDays);
Console.WriteLine( "The ending date will be {0}", endDate.ToString( "MM/dd/yyyy" ) );
// Prompt user to restart:
Console.WriteLine( "\n\nProgram complete ... press Y to restart or any other key to continue.\n" );
if ( Console.ReadKey( true ).Key == ConsoleKey.Y ) goto BeginRoutine;
我还没有针对所有可能的情况详尽地测试这个例程,它肯定不是做到这一点的“最佳”方式(例如,它没有考虑像圣诞节这样的假期,也没有针对地区和地区进行本地化)文化),但它似乎可以快速高效地解决您的简单问题。奇怪的是,我刚刚为我的策略游戏原型编写了一些非常有趣的 DateTime 代码,我在其中使用游戏循环来驱动 DateTime 前进并创建游戏内时间系统。