如何使用 AutoMapper 将 POCO 映射到 Record
How to map POCO into Record using AutoMapper
我将 AutoMapper 10.1.1
与 .NET 6(预览版)和 C# 10 一起使用。当尝试将 POCO 映射到 record
时,嵌套 属性 失败.
using AutoMapper;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
// All the following stuff is necessary to be used with EF Core
// ReSharper disable AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Local
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
#pragma warning disable 8618
namespace Tests.UnitTests
public class MyTests
public void MappingTest()
var book = new Book(new Person("Oscar"));
var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(x => x.AddProfile<AutoMapperProfile>()).CreateMapper();
var result = mapper.Map<Book, ExistingBook>(book);
public class AutoMapperProfile : Profile
public AutoMapperProfile() => CreateMap<Book, ExistingBook>().ForMember(x => x.CreatedBy, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.CreatedBy.Name));
public record ExistingBook(string CreatedBy);
public class Person
public Person()
public Person(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public class Book
public Book()
public Book(Person createdBy) => CreatedBy = createdBy;
public Person CreatedBy { get; private set; }
执行 MappingTest()
时失败 Expected result.CreatedBy to be "Oscar" with a length of 5, but "Tests.UnitTests.Person" has a length of 22, differs near "Tes" (index 0).
您在这里通过构造函数进行映射。所以你需要 ForCtorParam
CreateMap<Book, ExistingBook>().ForCtorParam(nameof(ExistingBook.CreatedBy), options => options.MapFrom(book => book.CreatedBy.Name));
我将 AutoMapper 10.1.1
与 .NET 6(预览版)和 C# 10 一起使用。当尝试将 POCO 映射到 record
时,嵌套 属性 失败.
using AutoMapper;
using FluentAssertions;
using NUnit.Framework;
// All the following stuff is necessary to be used with EF Core
// ReSharper disable AutoPropertyCanBeMadeGetOnly.Local
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
#pragma warning disable 8618
namespace Tests.UnitTests
public class MyTests
public void MappingTest()
var book = new Book(new Person("Oscar"));
var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(x => x.AddProfile<AutoMapperProfile>()).CreateMapper();
var result = mapper.Map<Book, ExistingBook>(book);
public class AutoMapperProfile : Profile
public AutoMapperProfile() => CreateMap<Book, ExistingBook>().ForMember(x => x.CreatedBy, y => y.MapFrom(z => z.CreatedBy.Name));
public record ExistingBook(string CreatedBy);
public class Person
public Person()
public Person(string name) => Name = name;
public string Name { get; private set; }
public class Book
public Book()
public Book(Person createdBy) => CreatedBy = createdBy;
public Person CreatedBy { get; private set; }
执行 MappingTest()
时失败 Expected result.CreatedBy to be "Oscar" with a length of 5, but "Tests.UnitTests.Person" has a length of 22, differs near "Tes" (index 0).
您在这里通过构造函数进行映射。所以你需要 ForCtorParam
CreateMap<Book, ExistingBook>().ForCtorParam(nameof(ExistingBook.CreatedBy), options => options.MapFrom(book => book.CreatedBy.Name));