AWS Java SDK v2:将目录上传到 S3

AWS Java SDK v2: Upload a directory to S3

我想使用 AWS Java SDK v2 将目录上传到 S3。


fun uploadDirectory(bucket: String, prefix: String, directory: Path)

我希望 directory 的内容被复制到 S3 上的 s3://bucket/prefix/

v2 SDK 文档有一个来自 v1 的 uploading a single object, but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent to this Upload a Directory 示例。

TransferManager 以及其他一些高级库在 v2 中尚不可用。所以你将不得不使用 migration guide

中的 v1

High-level libraries, such as the Amazon S3 Transfer Manager and the Amazon SQS Client-side Buffering, are not yet available in version 2.x. See the AWS SDK for Java 2.x changelog for a complete list of libraries.

If your application depends on these libraries, see Using both SDKs side-by-side to learn how to configure your pom.xml to use both 1.x and 2.x. Refer to the AWS SDK for Java 2.x changelog for updates about these libraries.


  1. 使用 Files.walk 遍历目录,识别所有文件。
  2. 通过 S3AsyncClient.putObject.
  3. 使用 SDK 异步上传文件
  4. 使用CompletableFuture.allOf合并所有上传任务,等待完成。

此策略使用异步客户端的 default thread pool 50 个线程。对于包含数千个文件的目录,这对我来说工作正常。


fun uploadDirectory(s3Bucket: String, s3Prefix: String, directory: Path) {

    Files.walk(directory).use { stream ->
            .filter { it.isRegularFile() }
            .map { path ->
                    s3Bucket = s3Bucket,
                    s3Key = "$s3Prefix/${directory.relativize(path)}",
                    path = path
    }.let { CompletableFuture.allOf(*it) }.join()

private fun putObject(s3Bucket: String, s3Key: String, path: Path)
    : CompletableFuture<PutObjectResponse> {
    val request = PutObjectRequest.builder()

    return s3AsyncClient.putObject(request, path)