用于在 LibreCalc 中创建图表的宏 VBA,如何将标题、图例和主图表定位到图表区域

Macro VBA for creating a Chart in LibreCalc, how to position titles, legends, and chart main into chart area

用于在 LibreCalc 中创建图表的宏 VBA,如何将标题、图例和主图表放置到图表区域中。

我通过阅读许多资源和开发人员指南创建了一个宏 here Xshapes and ChartLegends - Automatic position

它说“boolean - AutomaticPosition - 如果此 属性 为真,则位置由应用程序自动计算。将此 属性 设置为 false 将无效。而是使用界面: :com::sun::star::drawing::XShape 设置具体位置。"

所以我正在搜索 Xshape,但没有找到关于图表/图表中图例和标题定位的信息。


请注意,我已经安装了 Xray 工具,但没有任何帮助。

Sub CreateCalcWithSimpleChart

Dim oSheet    'Sheet containing the chart
Dim oRect     'How big is the chart
Dim oCharts   'Charts in the sheet
Dim oChart    'Created chart
Dim oAddress  'Address of data to plot
Dim sName$    'Chart name
Dim oChartDoc 'Embedded chart object
Dim oTitle    'Chart title object 
Dim oDiagram  'Inserted diagram (data).
Dim sDataRng$ 'Where is the data
Dim oCalcDoc

oCalcDoc = CreateCalcForChart()
sName = "Example_01"
sDataRng = "$E:$G"
oSheets = ThisComponent.getSheets()
oSheet  = oSheets.getbyName("Normality")
oAddress = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( sDataRng ).getRangeAddress()
oCharts = oSheet.getCharts()

If NOT oCharts.hasByName(sName) Then
oRect = createObject("com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle")
oRect.X = 1
oRect.Y = 1
oRect.width = 20000
oRect.Height= 10000
oCharts.addNewByName(sName, oRect, Array(oAddress), True, True)
End If

oChart = oCharts.getByName( sName )  
oChartDoc = oChart.getEmbeddedObject()

' Create a diagram.
oDiagram = oChartDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.chart.ChartDiagram" )
oChartDoc.setDiagram( oDiagram )  
oDiagram = oChartDoc.getDiagram()

' Min / Max scale values on x-y axis
  oAxis = oDiagram.getXAxis()
  oAxis.AutoMin = False
  oAxis.AutoMax = False
  oAxis.Min                   = 1
  oAxis.Max                   = 5
  oAxis.CharColor             = RGB(111,0,200)
  oAxis.CharFontName          = "Liberation San"
  oAxis.CharHeight            = 8
  oAxis.AxisTitle.string      ="ccccc"
  oAxis.AxisTitle.CharColor   = RGB(11,0,200)
  oAxis.AxisTitle.CharHeight  = 12
  oAxis.CharPosture           = 0   'Italics
  oAxis = oDiagram.getYAxis()
  oAxis.AutoMin = False
  oAxis.AutoMax = False
  oAxis.Min                   = 1
  oAxis.Max                   = 5
  oAxis.CharColor             = RGB(111,0,200)
  oAxis.CharFontName          = "Liberation San"
  oAxis.CharHeight            = 8
  oAxis.AxisTitle.string      ="ccccc"
  oAxis.AxisTitle.CharColor   = RGB(111,0,2)
  oAxis.AxisTitle.CharHeight  = 12
  oAxis.CharPosture           = 0   'Italics
  oTitle                      = oChartDoc.getTitle()  
  oTitle.String               = "My title"
  oTitle.CharColor            = RGB(0,0,200)
  oTitle.CharFontName         = "Liberation San"
  oTitle.CharHeight           = 18
  oTitle.CharPosture          = 1   'Italics

  oSubTitle                   = oChartDoc.getSubtitle()  
  oSubTitle.String            = "My title"
  oSubTitle.CharColor         = RGB(0,0,200)
  oSubTitle.CharFontName      = "Liberation San"
  oSubTitle.CharHeight        = 16
  oSubTitle.CharPosture       = 0   'Italics
  oDiagram.Wall.FillColor     = RGB(255,255,255) 

  oChartDoc.HasLegend         = True 
  oLegend                     = oChartDoc.getLegend()
  oLegend.AutomaticPosition   = False
  oLegend.Alignment           = 3
  oLegend.CharHeight          = 10
  oLegend.CharFontName        = "Liberation San"
  oLegend.FillColor           = RGB(225,255,255)
  oLegend.CharColor           = RGB(0,0,200)
  oLegend.CharPosture         = 0   'Italics
  oLegend.Position =  oLegend.getPosition()
  oLegend.Position.X = 125
  oLegend.Position.Y  =1268
  oLegend.Size =  oLegend.getSize()
  oLegend.Size.Width = 1100
  oLegend.Size.Height = 1100
 ' oArea = oDiagram.getDiagram()
 '  Xray oChartDoc.getLegend() 
' Print oDiagram.getDataRowProperties.Value()
ColumnColor0 = oDiagram.getDataRowProperties(0)
ColumnColor1 = oDiagram.getDataRowProperties(1)

aCOLOR = RGB(131, 221, 300)
bCOLOR = RGB(1, 1, 1)

    with ColumnColor0
        .FillBackground = False
        .FillStyle = 1
        .FillColor = aCOLOR
    end with

    with ColumnColor1
        .FillBackground = False
        .FillStyle = 1
        .FillColor = aCOLOR
    end with

end sub

我在 VBA 中搜索了如何设置对象的位置和大小。

您必须独立声明每个对象的位置和大小,而不是例如。 oTitle.Size.X = 100 ; oTitle.Size.Y = 200,“普通”逻辑可能认为。

' XrayTool that helps to investigate VBA objects. 
' Found here: https://berma.pagesperso-orange.fr/index2.html 
' Download word document and click the button inside to install 
' it.

Sub LoadingLibraries
End Sub

Sub CreateCalcWithSimpleChart

' Definitions of variables
Dim oSheet    'Sheet containing the chart
Dim oRect     'How big is the chart
Dim oCharts   'Charts in the sheet
Dim oChart    'Created chart
Dim oAddress  'Address of data to plot
Dim sName$    'Chart name
Dim oChartDoc 'Embedded chart object
Dim oTitle    'Chart title object 
Dim oDiagram  'Inserted diagram (data).
Dim sDataRng$ 'Where is the data
Dim oCalcDoc  

' it is needed to define Point and Size in order to
' change Position and Size of Chart Objects
Dim Pos_Chart       As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
Dim Pos_Title       As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
Dim Pos_SubTitle    As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
Dim Pos_xTitle      As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
Dim Pos_yTitle      As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
Dim Pos_Legend      As New com.sun.star.awt.Point

Dim Size_Chart      As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
Dim Size_Title      As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
Dim Size_SubTitle   As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
Dim Size_xTitle     As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
Dim Size_yTitle     As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
Dim Size_Legend     As New com.sun.star.awt.Size

' Creation of objects into variables
oCalcDoc    = CreateCalcForChart()
sName       = "Example_01"
sDataRng    = "$E:$G"
oSheets     = ThisComponent.getSheets()
oSheet      = oSheets.getbyName("Normality")
oAddress    = oSheet.getCellRangeByName( sDataRng ).getRangeAddress()
oCharts     = oSheet.getCharts()

' The size of the whole chart 
If NOT oCharts.hasByName(sName) Then
oRect       = createObject("com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle")
oRect.X     = 1
oRect.Y     = 1
oRect.width = 200
oRect.Height= 1000
oCharts.addNewByName(sName, oRect, Array(oAddress), True, True)
End If

' Getting the Chart for manipulations
oChart     = oCharts.getByName( sName )  
oChartDoc  = oChart.getEmbeddedObject()
oDiagram   = oChartDoc.createInstance( "com.sun.star.chart.ChartDiagram" )
oChartDoc.setDiagram( oDiagram )  
oDiagram   = oChartDoc.getDiagram()

 ' Inside the Chart, Setting Position and Size of the Diagram
  oChartDoc.RefreshAddInAllowed = True
  Pos_Chart.X                   = 1000
  Pos_Chart.Y                   = 800
  Size_Chart.width              = 18000
  Size_Chart.height             = 8000
  oDiagram.setPosition( Pos_Chart )
  oDiagram.setSize(     Size_Chart )

  oDiagram.Wall.FillColor       = RGB(255,255,255) 

 ' Min / Max scale values on x-y axis plus Font format
  oXaxis                        = oDiagram.getXAxis()
  oXaxis.AutoMin                = False
  oXaxis.AutoMax                = False
  oXaxis.Min                    = 1
  oXaxis.Max                    = 5
  oXaxis.CharColor              = RGB(111,0,200)
  oXaxis.CharFontName           = "Liberation San"
  oXaxis.CharHeight             = 8
  oXaxis.CharPosture            = 0   'Italics
  oYaxis                        = oDiagram.getYAxis()
  oYaxis.AutoMin                = False
  oYaxis.AutoMax                = False
  oYaxis.Min                    = 1
  oYaxis.Max                    = 5
  oYaxis.CharColor              = RGB(111,0,200)
  oYaxis.CharFontName           = "Liberation San"
  oYaxis.CharHeight             = 8
  oYaxis.CharPosture            = 0   'Italics
  'Position and Size of x axis Title plus Font format
  oXaxis.AxisTitle.string       ="ccccc"
  oXaxis.AxisTitle.CharColor    = RGB(111,0,2)
  oXaxis.AxisTitle.CharFontName = "Liberation San"
  oXaxis.AxisTitle.CharHeight   = 12
  oXaxis.CharPosture            = 0   'Italics
  Pos_xTitle.X                  = 1000
  Pos_xTitle.Y                  = 800
  Size_xTitle.width             = 18000
  Size_xTitle.height            = 8000
  oXaxis.setPosition( Pos_xTitle  )
  oXaxis.setSize(     Size_xTitle )

  'Position and Size of y axis Title plus Font Format
  oYaxis.AxisTitle.string       ="ccccc"
  oYaxis.AxisTitle.CharColor    = RGB(111,0,2)
  oYaxis.AxisTitle.CharFontName = "Liberation San"
  oYaxis.AxisTitle.CharHeight   = 12
  oYaxis.CharPosture            = 0   'Italics
  Pos_yTitle.X                  = 1000
  Pos_yTitle.Y                  = 800
  Size_yTitle.width             = 18000
  Size_yTitle.height            = 8000
  oYaxis.setPosition( Pos_yTitle  )
  oYaxis.setSize(     Size_yTitle )

  ' Formating Chart Title and Chart Subtitle
  oTitle                       = oChartDoc.getTitle()  
  oTitle.String                = "My title"
  oTitle.CharColor             = RGB(0,0,200)
  oTitle.CharFontName          = "Liberation San"
  oTitle.CharHeight            = 18
  oTitle.CharPosture           = 1   'Italics
  oSubTitle                    = oChartDoc.getSubtitle()  
  oSubTitle.String             = "My title"
  oSubTitle.CharColor          = RGB(0,0,200)
  oSubTitle.CharFontName       = "Liberation San"
  oSubTitle.CharHeight         = 16
  oSubTitle.CharPosture        = 0   'Italics
  'Position and Size of Chart Title and Chart Subtitle
  Pos_Title.X                  = 5000
  Pos_Title.Y                  = 0
  Size_Title.width             = 0
  Size_Title.height            = 0
  oTitle.setPosition( Pos_Title  )
  oTitle.setSize(     Size_Title )
  Pos_SubTitle.X               = 5000
  Pos_SubTitle.Y               = 800
  Size_SubTitle.width          = 0
  Size_SubTitle.height         = 0
  oSubTitle.setPosition( Pos_SubTitle  )
  oSubTitle.setSize(     Size_SubTitle )

  ' Formating Chart Legend  
  oChartDoc.HasLegend           = True 
  oLegend                       = oChartDoc.getLegend()
  oLegend.AutomaticPosition     = False
  oLegend.Alignment             = 3
  oLegend.CharHeight            = 10
  oLegend.CharFontName          = "Liberation San"
  oLegend.FillColor             = RGB(225,255,255)
  oLegend.CharColor             = RGB(0,0,200)
  oLegend.CharPosture           = 0   'Italics

  ' Position and Size of Chart Legend  
  Pos_Legend.X                  = 11000
  Pos_Legend.Y                  = 300
  Size_Legend.width             = 7800
  Size_Legend.height            = 1100
  oLegend.setPosition( Pos_Legend )
  oLegend.setSize(     Size_Legend )

' xray oDiagram      
' Print oDiagram.getDataRowProperties.Value()
  ' Setting the Colour of bars pper case 
  ColumnColor0 = oDiagram.getDataRowProperties(0)
  ColumnColor1 = oDiagram.getDataRowProperties(1)

  aCOLOR = RGB(131, 221, 300)
  bCOLOR = RGB(1, 1, 1)

    with ColumnColor0
        .FillBackground = False
        .FillStyle = 1
        .FillColor = aCOLOR
    end with

    with ColumnColor1
        .FillBackground = False
        .FillStyle = 1
        .FillColor = bCOLOR
    end with

end sub