Google Apps 脚本:如何在脚注编号之间向前和向后跳转?
Google Apps Script: How to jump forward and backward between footnote numbers?
function onOpen() {
.addItem('Next', 'jump_to_next_footnote')
.addItem('Previous', 'jump_to_prev_footnote')
function jump_to_next_footnote() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var footnotes = doc.getFootnotes();
var cursor = doc.getCursor();
// get index of paragraph where the cursor is placed
try { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().asParagraph() }
catch(e) { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().getParent().asParagraph() }
var cursor_pgf = doc.getBody().getChildIndex(cursor_container);
// get offset for the cursor inside its paragraph
var cursor_offset = cursor.getSurroundingTextOffset();
var n = 0; // footnote num
// function to get index of paragraph of footnote with given number
const ftn_pgf = n => doc.getBody().getChildIndex(footnotes[n].getParent());
// function to get offset inside its paragraph fo foonote with given number
const ftn_offset = n => doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph(), 1).getSurroundingTextOffset();
while (cursor_pgf > ftn_pgf(n)) n++;
if (n >= footnotes.length) return;
if (cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) while (n < footnotes.length && cursor_offset > ftn_offset(n) && cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) n++;
if (n >= footnotes.length) return;
var position = doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph().getChild(0), ftn_offset(n));
function jump_to_prev_footnote() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var footnotes = doc.getFootnotes();
var cursor = doc.getCursor();
try { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().asParagraph() }
catch(e) { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().getParent().asParagraph() }
var cursor_pgf = doc.getBody().getChildIndex(cursor_container);
var cursor_offset = cursor.getSurroundingTextOffset();
var n = footnotes.length-1;
const ftn_pgf = n => doc.getBody().getChildIndex(footnotes[n].getParent());
const ftn_offset = n => doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph(), 1).getSurroundingTextOffset();
while (cursor_pgf < ftn_pgf(n)) n--;
if (n < 0) return;
if (cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) while (n >= 0 && cursor_offset < ftn_offset(n) && cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) n--;
if (n < 0) return;
var position = doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph().getChild(0), ftn_offset(n));
它创建自定义菜单 Footnotes
和 Previous
。您可以在文档中的脚注之间来回跳转。奇怪的是 Google Docs 还没有开箱即用的选项。
我正在寻找可将光标逐步移动(单击“下一步”按钮)到正文中每个脚注上标的脚本? 非常感谢您的支持。谢谢
function onOpen() {
.addItem('Next', 'jump_to_next_footnote')
.addItem('Previous', 'jump_to_prev_footnote')
function jump_to_next_footnote() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var footnotes = doc.getFootnotes();
var cursor = doc.getCursor();
// get index of paragraph where the cursor is placed
try { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().asParagraph() }
catch(e) { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().getParent().asParagraph() }
var cursor_pgf = doc.getBody().getChildIndex(cursor_container);
// get offset for the cursor inside its paragraph
var cursor_offset = cursor.getSurroundingTextOffset();
var n = 0; // footnote num
// function to get index of paragraph of footnote with given number
const ftn_pgf = n => doc.getBody().getChildIndex(footnotes[n].getParent());
// function to get offset inside its paragraph fo foonote with given number
const ftn_offset = n => doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph(), 1).getSurroundingTextOffset();
while (cursor_pgf > ftn_pgf(n)) n++;
if (n >= footnotes.length) return;
if (cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) while (n < footnotes.length && cursor_offset > ftn_offset(n) && cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) n++;
if (n >= footnotes.length) return;
var position = doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph().getChild(0), ftn_offset(n));
function jump_to_prev_footnote() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var footnotes = doc.getFootnotes();
var cursor = doc.getCursor();
try { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().asParagraph() }
catch(e) { var cursor_container = cursor.getElement().getParent().asParagraph() }
var cursor_pgf = doc.getBody().getChildIndex(cursor_container);
var cursor_offset = cursor.getSurroundingTextOffset();
var n = footnotes.length-1;
const ftn_pgf = n => doc.getBody().getChildIndex(footnotes[n].getParent());
const ftn_offset = n => doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph(), 1).getSurroundingTextOffset();
while (cursor_pgf < ftn_pgf(n)) n--;
if (n < 0) return;
if (cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) while (n >= 0 && cursor_offset < ftn_offset(n) && cursor_pgf == ftn_pgf(n)) n--;
if (n < 0) return;
var position = doc.newPosition(footnotes[n].getParent().asParagraph().getChild(0), ftn_offset(n));
它创建自定义菜单 Footnotes
和 Previous
。您可以在文档中的脚注之间来回跳转。奇怪的是 Google Docs 还没有开箱即用的选项。