
Is there a way to repeat this one more time?

我正在编写 nasm x86 汇编代码,执行 +-_ 其中空白是用户输入。现在我已经在它执行此操作的地方拥有它,但我需要它来阅读下一行并在那里执行此操作。我是汇编的新手,我不想使用循环或指针或任何东西。也许是时代的一种方式? 这是我的代码:

segment .data 
    newline db 0xA, 0xD
    newlinelen equ $-newline
    segment .bss
       num1 resb 2
       num2 resb 2
       num3 resb 2
       ;num4 resb 2
       ;num5 resb 2
       ;num6 resb 2
       res resb 1   
       ;res2 resb 1
    section .text
       global main    ;must be declared for using gcc
    main:             ;tell linker entry point
    ;reading num 1
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0  
       mov ecx, num1 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80  
    ;reading num 2
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0
       mov ecx, num2 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80   
     ;reading num 3
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0  
       mov ecx, num3 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80    
      ;new line for next equation 
       mov edx, newline 
       mov ecx, newlinelen
       mov ebx, 1
       mov eax, 4
       int 0x80  
       ; moving the first number to eax register and second number to ebx
       ; and subtracting ascii '0' to convert it into a decimal number
       mov eax, [num1]
       sub eax, '0'
       mov ebx, [num2]
       sub ebx, '0'
       mov ecx, [num3] 
       sub ecx, '0'
       ; add ebx to eax
       add eax, ebx
       ; add '0' to to convert the sum from decimal to ASCII
       add eax, '0'
       ; storing the sum in memory location res
       mov [res], eax
       ;subtract ecx from eax
       sub eax, ecx
       mov [res], eax
       ; print the sum 
       mov eax, 4       
       mov ebx, 1
       mov ecx, res         
       mov edx, 1   
       int 0x80
       int 0x80

我的输入是1+2-1,输出是2,没错。我不需要在任何大于 4 的数字或负数上使用它。 我试过用数字 4、5、6 重复整个过程,但结果只给我一个空白的 ascii 字符,这是我得到的最接近结果的结果。

;;new equation?
   ;reading num 4
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0  
   mov ecx, num4 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80  

;reading num 5
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0
   mov ecx, num5 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80   
 ;reading num 6
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0  
   mov ecx, num6 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80

   ; moving the first number to eax register and second number to ebx
   ; and subtracting ascii '0' to convert it into a decimal number
   mov eax, [num4]
   sub eax, '0'
   mov ebx, [num5]
   sub ebx, '0'
   mov ecx, [num6] 
   sub ecx, '0'

   ; add ebx to eax
   add eax, ebx
   ; add '0' to to convert the sum from decimal to ASCII
   add eax, '0'

   ; storing the sum in memory location res
   mov [res2], eax
   ;subtract ecx from eax
   sub eax, ecx
   mov [res2], eax

   ; print the sum 
   mov eax, 4       
   mov ebx, 1
   mov ecx, res2       
   mov edx, 1   
   int 0x80

我也试过用 AL 替换 eax,用 AH 替换另一个等式,但它并不像我也不理解的那样工作。然后我还尝试制作每个字节并放入段符号 resb 1,用于 + 符号,但没有用。我只是想让它在之后再读一行。

  mov edx, newline 
  mov ecx, newlinelen


  mov eax, [num1]
  mov [res], eax

这些指令之间的所有内容都应改用字节大小的寄存器。使用 ALBLCL。当前您正在覆盖不属于 res 变量的内存!

  ; add '0' to to convert the sum from decimal to ASCII
  add eax, '0'

您应该先做减法,然后再转换回 ASCII,然后使用 mov [res], al.[=25= 将字符一次存储在 res 变量中]

   int 0x80

您的出口缺少 eax 寄存器中的函数编号!

Is there a way to repeat this one more time?

即使您不喜欢,循环也是可行的方法times 运算符是一个汇编时功能。你可以把整个东西变成一个宏并调用它两次,但是你也可以像现在这样写第二次。

我只是重复了代码,而不是添加值 4、5 和 6,但将它们放在高位字符而不是低位字符中。还为新行添加了一个读取垃圾字符。

segment .data 
    newline db 0xA, 0xD
    newlinelen equ $-newline
    segment .bss
    ;defining all variables
       num1 resb 2
       num2 resb 2
       num3 resb 2
;variables for next equation
       num4 resb 2
       num5 resb 2
       num6 resb 2
;newlin for garbage character
       newlin resb 1
;result 1 and result 2
       res resb 1   
       res2 resb 1
    section .text
       global main    ;must be declared for using gcc
    main:             ;tell linker entry point
    ;reading num 1
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0  
       mov ecx, num1 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80  
    ;reading num 2
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0
       mov ecx, num2 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80   
     ;reading num 3
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0  
       mov ecx, num3 
       mov edx, 2
       int 0x80   
       ; moving the first number to eax register and second number to ebx
       ; and subtracting ascii '0' to convert it into a decimal number
        ;moving variables in lower halfs
       mov AL, [num1]
       sub AL, '0'
       mov BL, [num2]
       sub BL, '0'
       mov CL, [num3] 
       sub CL, '0'
       ; add ebx to eax
       add AL, BL

       ; storing the sum in memory location res
       mov [res], AL
       ;subtract ecx from eax
       sub AL, CL
       ; add '0' to to convert the sum from decimal to ASCII
       add AL, '0'
       mov [res], AL
       ; print the sum 
       mov eax, 4       
       mov ebx, 1
       mov ecx, res         
       mov edx, 1   
       int 0x80
      ;new line for next equation
      mov eax, 4
      mov ebx, 1
      mov ecx, newline
      mov edx, newlinelen
      int 0x80
      ;;new equation?
      ;;skip garbage character
       mov eax, 3
       mov ebx, 0
       mov ecx, newlin
       mov edx, 1
       int 0x80
   ;reading num 4
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0  
   mov ecx, num4 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80  

;reading num 5
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0
   mov ecx, num5 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80   
 ;reading num 6
   mov eax, 3
   mov ebx, 0  
   mov ecx, num6 
   mov edx, 2
   int 0x80

   ; moving the first number to eax register and second number to ebx
   ; and subtracting ascii '0' to convert it into a decimal number
;moving variables in higher halfs
   mov AH, [newlin]
   mov BH, [num4]
   sub BH, '0'
   mov CH, [num5]
   sub CH, '0'
   mov DH, [num6] 
   sub DH, '0'

   ; add ebx to eax
   add BH, CH
   ;subtract ecx from eax
   sub BH, DH
   ; add '0' to to convert the sum from decimal to ASCII
   add BH, '0'
   ;move ah into memory location res 2
   mov [res2], BH

   ; print the sum 
   mov eax, 4       
   mov ebx, 1
   mov ecx, res2       
   mov edx, 1 
   int 0x80
       mov eax, 1
       int 0x80