两个物体都在移动,而不是 2d 游戏中的一个

Both objects are moving instead of just one in 2d game

我正在制作 java 二维游戏库,使用 JSFML 作为基础。

最近发现一个大问题。 我在游戏中的所有对象都在扩展抽象 class GameObject,其中包含对象的位置、速度、大小和名称等内容。

所有加载的对象都存储在 Game class 实例中,该实例处理游戏。


例如,如果我用 w、a、s、d 键移动玩家,它不仅会移动玩家,还会移动地板。


public static void main(String[] args) {
    GameSettings settings = new GameSettings("Testing window!", 800, 600);
    Game game = Game.Create(settings);

    GameObject floor = game.LoadObject(new Floor("Floor", new Vector2(400 - 500, 500), new Vector2(500, 16)));
    GameObject player = game.LoadObject(new Player("Player", new Vector2(400 - 16, 300 - 16), new Vector2(32, 32)));


这是球员和地板 classes:

public class Player extends GameObject {

    public float speed = 7.5f;

    public Player(String name, Vector2 position, Vector2 size) {
        super(name, position, size);

    public void Start() {
        this.canGoOutsideOfWindow = false;
        this.allowCollision = true;
        this.allowGravity = true;

    public void TickUpdate() {
        if (GameInput.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.D)) {
            this.velocity.x = speed;
        if (GameInput.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.A)) {
            this.velocity.x = -speed;
        if (GameInput.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.W)) {
            this.velocity.y = -speed;
        if (GameInput.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.S)) {
            this.velocity.y = speed;
public class Floor extends GameObject {
    public Floor(String name, Vector2 position, Vector2 size) {
        super(name, position, size);

    public void Start() {
        allowCollision = true;
        allowFriction = false;
        canGoOutsideOfWindow = false;

这是游戏 class:

public class Game {

    // Instance variable for game class, because i don't want more instances of it, only one.
    private static Game i;

    // Variable to store game configuration
    private GameSettings settings;

    // Just some private variables, I don't know.
    private boolean started = false;
    private int framesPerSecond;
    private ArrayList<GameObject> objects = new ArrayList<GameObject>();

    // Constructor for creating game only private.
    private Game(GameSettings settings) {
        GameOutput.SendInfo("Creating game instance with settings " + settings + "...");

        this.settings = settings;

        GameOutput.SendInfo("Game instance created!");

    // Beginning of string of methods after start.
    public void Start() {

        if (!started) {
            GameOutput.SendInfo("Starting the game...");

            for (GameObject o : objects)

            GameOutput.SendInfo("Game started, and running...");
        } else {
            GameOutput.SendError("Your code is trying to start the game, but game is already started!");

    // Beginning of string of methods before stopping
    public void Stop() {
        if (GameWindow.Get().isOpen()) {
            GameOutput.SendInfo("Stopping game...");

            for (GameObject o : objects)


            GameOutput.SendInfo("Game closed!");
        } else {
            GameOutput.SendError("Your code is trying to stop the game, but game is already closed!");

    // Beginning of string of methods after frame update.
    private void FrameUpdate() {
        GameWindow w = GameWindow.Get();

        for (Event e : w.pollEvents()) {
            if (e.type == Event.Type.CLOSED) {

        for (GameObject o : objects)

    // Just method for checking inputs every frame.
    private void CheckForInputs() {
        GameWindow w = GameWindow.Get();

        if (GameInput.IsKeyPressed(Keyboard.Key.ESCAPE))

        for (Event e : w.pollEvents()) {
            if (e.type == Event.Type.KEY_PRESSED) {
                for (GameObject o : objects)
            if (e.type == Event.Type.KEY_RELEASED) {
                for (GameObject o : objects)

    // Beginning of string of methods after frame render.
    private void FrameRender() {
        GameWindow w = GameWindow.Get();
        w.clear(new Color(30, 30, 30, 255));

        for (GameObject o : objects) {
            if (!o.canGoOutsideOfWindow)
                o.position = new Vector2(GameMath.Clamp(o.position.x, 0, GameWindow.Get().getSize().x - o.size.x), GameMath.Clamp(o.position.y, 0, GameWindow.Get().getSize().y - o.size.y));
            RectangleShape r = new RectangleShape();
            r.setSize(new Vector2f(o.size.x, o.size.y));
            r.setPosition(o.position.x, o.position.y);



    // Beginning of string of methods after tick update.
    private void TickUpdate() {
        for (GameObject o : objects) {
            Vector2 nextPosition = new Vector2(o.position.x + o.velocity.x, o.position.y + o.velocity.y);
            o.position = nextPosition;

            if (o.allowFriction) {
                if (o.velocity.x >= o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.x -= o.frictionAmount;
                else if (o.velocity.x < o.frictionAmount && o.velocity.x > -o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.x = 0;
                if (o.velocity.y >= o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.y -= o.frictionAmount;
                else if (o.velocity.y < o.frictionAmount && o.velocity.y > -o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.y = 0;

                if (o.velocity.x <= -o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.x += o.frictionAmount;
                else if (o.velocity.x > o.frictionAmount && o.velocity.x < o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.x = 0;
                if (o.velocity.y <= -o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.y += o.frictionAmount;
                else if (o.velocity.y > o.frictionAmount && o.velocity.y < o.frictionAmount)
                    o.velocity.y = 0;


    // Starting the game window.
    private void InitWindow() {
        GameOutput.SendInfo("Initializing window...");

        GameWindow w = GameWindow.Create();
        w.create(new VideoMode(settings.windowWidth, settings.windowHeight), settings.windowTitle);
        GameOutput.SendInfo("Window initilized!");


    // Starting game loop.
    private void InitLoop() {
        GameOutput.SendInfo("Initializing game loop...");

        long lastTime = System.nanoTime();
        double amountOfTicks = settings.ticksPerSecond;
        double ns = 1000000000 / amountOfTicks;
        double delta = 0;
        long timer = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int frames = 0;

        GameOutput.SendInfo("Game loop initialized!");

        while (GameWindow.Get().isOpen()) {
            long now = System.nanoTime();
            delta += (now - lastTime) / ns;
            lastTime = now;
            while (delta >= 1) {
            if (GameWindow.Get().isOpen()) {
                GameTime.deltaTime = (float) delta;
            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - timer > 1000) {
                timer += 1000;
                framesPerSecond = frames;
                frames = 0;

    // Only method for loading objects to game.
    public GameObject LoadObject(GameObject object) {
        GameOutput.SendInfo("Loading object " + object + " to the game...");

        object.active = true;

        GameOutput.SendInfo("Loaded object " + object + " to the game!");
        return object;

    // Only method for getting loaded object from game.
    public GameObject GetLoadedObject(String name) {
        GameObject result = null;

        for (GameObject o : objects)
            if (o.name.equalsIgnoreCase(name))
                result = o;

        return result;

    // Public method for getting object list.
    public List<GameObject> GetLoadedObjects() {
        return objects;

    // Only method for unloading objects to game.
    public void UnLoadObject(GameObject object) {
        GameOutput.SendInfo("UnLoading object " + object + " from the game...");

        object.active = false;

        GameOutput.SendInfo("UnLoaded object " + object + " from the game!");

    // Publicly only method for creating instance if not created.
    public static Game Create(GameSettings settings) {
        if (i == null)
            i = new Game(settings);
        return i;

    // Publicly only method for getting instance.
    public static Game Get() {
        return i;

如果您需要更多信息,请查看完整代码 GitHub:https://github.com/FilipeeX/GamerLibrary



当您构造 GameObject 实例时,您会将所有速度场初始化为静态 public 场,Vector2.zero。因此,GameObject 的每个实例都将有一个引用相同静态对象的速度场(即 Vector2.zero)。

因此,对一个实例速度的任何更改都会以相同的方式影响所有其他 GameObject 实例的速度。