创建连续聚合时 Azure Postgres 上的 TimescaleDB 出错

TimescaleDB on Azure Postgres error when creating continuous aggregation


SQL Error [0A000]: ERROR: functionality not supported under the current license "ApacheOnly", license¶  Hint: Upgrade to a Timescale-licensed binary to access this free community feature 

当 运行 以下情况时:

CREATE VIEW test.weather_metrics_daily
WITH (timescaledb.continuous)
   time_bucket('1 day', time) as bucket,
   avg(temp_c) as avg_temp,
   avg(feels_like_c) as feels_like_temp,
   max(temp_c) as max_temp,
   min(temp_c) as min_temp,
   avg(pressure_hpa) as pressure,
   avg(humidity_percent) as humidity_percent,
   avg(rain_3h_mm) as rain_3h,
   avg(snow_3h_mm) as snow_3h,
   avg(wind_speed_ms) as wind_speed,
   avg(clouds_percent) as clouds
GROUP BY bucket, city_name;

我正在使用启用了 Timescaledb 的 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 服务器。

SELECT default_version, installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions
where name = 'timescaledb';

I get the version 1.7.4 on both

我正在关注入门文档: https://docs.timescale.com/timescaledb/latest/getting-started/

这是因为 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 服务器不具备所有功能还是其他原因? 谢谢!

回答者Мелкий on https://dba.stackexchange.com/q/298765/185681

这是因为Azure是云服务,不能提供TimescaleDB的免费“社区”许可。每个 TimescaleDB 常见问题解答:

TimescaleDB is a relational database for time-series, with some features licensed under the Apache 2.0 License but many of the features you know and love are licensed via the Timescale License (including continuous aggregates, compression, data retention policies, actions, multi-node, and more). The "Apache 2.0" version of TimescaleDB offered by Microsoft, Digital Ocean, and others includes only the features in the Apache license. The Timescale License prohibits cloud providers from offering the "community version" of TimescaleDB-as-a-service.