OSMNX 并未 return 绘制所有欧洲国家首都的图表

OSMNX does not return graph for all European capitals

令我感到困惑的是,一些欧洲国家的首都在使用 osmnx 查询时没有 return 图表。它适用于里斯本、柏林、巴黎等地,但当我尝试 运行 它与布鲁塞尔或雅典时,我收到 NetworkXPointlessConcept: Connectivity is undefined for the null graph. 错误。

我已经检查了文档并确保所有包都是最新的(osmnx 是 1.1.1)。

import osmnx as ox

# Does *NOT* work
ox.graph_from_place("Brussels, Belgium")

# Does *NOT* work
ox.graph_from_place("Athens, Greece")

# Works
ox.graph_from_place("Berlin, Germany")

# Works
ox.graph_from_place("Zurich, Switzerland")

不知为何无法获取。当我查看它时,我能够获得 geopandas,并从那里我能够获得纬度和经度信息。

import osmnx as ox

%matplotlib inline

gdf = ox.geocode_to_gdf("Brussels, Belgium")

geometry    bbox_north  bbox_south  bbox_east   bbox_west   place_id    osm_type    osm_id  lat     lon     display_name    class   type    importance
0   POLYGON ((4.35895 50.84385, 4.35896 50.84385, ...   50.844296   50.843082   4.3605  4.358953    258572709   relation    3299877     50.843735   4.359779    Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 23, Rue Ravens...   amenity     arts_centre     0.634996

# lat, lon
G = ox.graph_from_point((50.84375, 4.359779), network_type='all_private')
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G)

gdf = ox.geocode_to_gdf("Athens, Greece")
G = ox.graph_from_point((37.992907, 23.720079), network_type='drive')
fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G)


Create graph from OSM within the boundaries of some geocodable place(s).

The query must be geocodable and OSM must have polygon boundaries for the geocode result. If OSM does not have a polygon for this place, you can instead get its street network using the graph_from_address function, which geocodes the place name to a point and gets the network within some distance of that point.

If OSM does have polygon boundaries for this place but you’re not finding it, try to vary the query string, pass in a structured query dict, or vary the which_result argument to use a different geocode result. If you know the OSM ID of the place, you can retrieve its boundary polygon using the geocode_to_gdf function, then pass it to the graph_from_polygon function.