
Why does printing address of data member of a struct enabled, although there is no object?


#include <iostream>

struct test
    int whatever;

int main()
    int test::* p = &test::whatever;    
    std::cout << p;

但是,我惊讶地发现这段代码可以毫无怨言地编译。所以我想知道,在这种情况下实际打印的是什么,test::whatever 是如何存储的,所以我们可以访问它的地址?

这里p是指向成员的指针。它就像 class 成员相对于对象基地址的偏移量。它本身并不指向内存中的任何地方。它需要一个基础对象指针指向某处。因此没有对象的成员指针并不违法,恰恰相反:它是这种类型的用例。


#include <iostream>

struct test
    int whatever;

int main()
    int test::* p = &test::whatever;

    test t = {5};
    std::cout << t.*p << std::endl; // prints 5


请参阅 C++ 中的指向成员的指针 ->* 和 .* 运算符。

how is the test::whatever stored


so we can access its address?


what is actually printed in this case

1 已打印。

成员指针没有运算符重载。但是 bool 有一个重载,成员指针可以转换为 bool。当它们不为空时,它们会转换为 true。 p 不为空,因此它转换为打印为 1 的 true。


struct test
    int whatever;

int main()
    int test::* p = &test::whatever;
    test w1{ 123 }, w2{ 234 };
    std::cout << p<< endl; //point to member
    std::cout << w1.*p << endl; //value of first whatever
    std::cout << w2.*p << endl; //value of second whatever

    //real address of whatever of w1 and w2, compare
    std::cout << &(w1.*p) << "=="<< &w1.whatever<< endl;
    std::cout << &(w2.*p) << "=="<< &w2.whatever<< endl;

    std::cout << p << endl; //yet pointer did not change
    return 0;