按列排序 table

Sorting table by columns

这个小程序从 csv 文件中抓取数据并显示

目前没有找到您点击的 header 的方法,因此此处需要 tkinter 代码。


import PySimpleGUI as sg

def double_click(event):
    Additional event for double-click on header
    event: class event
    region = table.identify("region", event.x, event.y)
    if region == 'heading':                                 # Only care double-clock on headings
        cid = int(table.identify_column(event.x)[1:])-1     # check which column clicked
        window.write_event_value("-TABLE-DOUBLE-CLICK-", cid)

data = [
    ["Name",         "Cases/All", "Case/Day", "Deaths/All", "Death/Day"],
    ["Global",       "80773033",    "563983",    "1783619",     "11784"],
    ["USA",          "19147627",    "174814",     "332423",      "1779"],
    ["India",        "10244852",     "20549",     "148439",       "286"],
    ["Brazil",        "7504833",     "20548",     "191570",       "431"],
    ["Russian",       "3131550",     "26513",      "56426",       "599"],
    ["France",        "2530400",     "11295",      "63701",       "969"],
    ["UK",            "2382869",     "53135",      "71567",       "458"],
    ["Italy",         "2067487",     "11210",      "73029",       "659"],
    ["Spain",         "1893502",      "7717",      "50442",        "36"],
    ["Germany",       "1687185",     "22459",      "32107",      "1129"],
    ["Colombia",      "1603807",      "9310",      "42374",       "203"],
    ["Argentina",     "1590513",      "6586",      "42868",       "218"],
    ["Mexico",        "1389430",      "5996",     "122855",       "429"],
    ["Turkey",        "1364242",     "15805",      "20388",       "253"],
    ["Poland",        "1281414",     "12780",      "28019",       "565"],
    ["Iran",          "1212481",      "6108",      "54946",       "132"],
    ["Ukraine",       "1045348",      "7986",      "18324",       "243"],
    ["South Africa",  "1021451",      "9580",      "27568",       "497"],
    ["Peru",          "1008908",      "1251",      "37525",        "51"],
    ["Netherlands",    "778293",      "7561",      "11218",       "171"],

sg.set_options(font='Courier 11')

layout = [
    [sg.Table(data[1:], headings=data[0], auto_size_columns=False,
        def_col_width=13, enable_events=True, key='-TABLE-')],

window = sg.Window('Table', layout, finalize=True)
table = window['-TABLE-'].Widget
table.bind('<Double-1>', double_click, add='+')

while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
    elif event == '-TABLE-DOUBLE-CLICK-':
        column = values[event]
        print(f'Click on column {column}')
        # Sort data on the table by the value of column
        # then update window['-TABLE-'].update(values=new_data)
