Telegram 机器人付款 - 付款成功后显示收据

Telegram bot payments - show receipt after successful payment

我有一个处理付款的 Telegram 机器人。付款正常进行,但是,我无法在付款成功后出示收据。


  1. 用户点击支付按钮,填写卡信息并支付服务费用
  2. 付款已处理并发送有关交易成功的消息
  3. 此时,我希望 PAY 按钮更改为 RECEIPT 按钮



所需的行为是从与 @ShopBot 的聊天中截取的,Telegram 文档中将其作为测试工具提及。

我在 Telegram 文档中唯一提到的关于如何处理“收据”的是 中的这两句话:

If the invoice message was sent in the chat with @merchantbot, it becomes a Receipt in the UI for the user — they can open this receipt at any time and see all the details of the transaction.

If the message was sent to any other chat, the Pay button remains and can be used again. It is up to the merchant bot whether to actually accept multiple payments.


该机器人使用 Node.js 编写并使用 webhook 处理消息。 webhook 的代码部分对这个问题很重要:

    .post(async (req, res) => {
        try {

            // if pre_checkout_query is defined, there was an attempt for payment
            if (req.body.pre_checkout_query) {
                // use answerPreCheckoutQuery Telegram method

            const message = req.body.message || req.body.edited_message;

            // this means user's payment was successful
            if (message.successful_payment) {
                // success, deliver goods or services
                // send message about successful payment

        } catch (err) {

发票使用 sendInvoice 方法发送,如下所示:

const url = `${process.env.TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/sendInvoice`;
const response = await axios.get(url, {
   params: {
      chat_id: chatID,
      title: 'SOME TITLE',
      description: 'some decription',
      payload: 'SOME-PAYLOAD',
      provider_token: process.env.STRIPE_API_TOKEN,
      currency: 'EUR',
      prices: JSON.stringify([
            label: 'some label',
            amount: 200,

API 中用于处理付款的两种方法是 sendInvoiceanswerPreCheckoutQuery,但它们都不包含任何可能改变输出方式的参数想。我错过了什么吗?

