Pdfsharp - 悬停在矩形上时无法弹出注释
Pdfsharp - Unable to pop up the annotation when hovering on the rectangle
我正在使用 Pdfsharp c# 库来突出显示文本并在鼠标悬停在突出显示的文本上时添加注释。
我想在我的 PDF 上注释矩形 area/highlighted 文本。即我想将鼠标悬停在给定矩形区域内的任意位置并弹出注释。
我查看了 PDFsharp 和 iTextSharp 的文档,我只能看到 TextAnnotation 示例。
下面是我从 PDfSharp 绘制矩形和添加注释的代码。
private static void DrawRectangle(string text, int padding, XGraphics graphics, double x, double y, double rectHeight, double rectWidth)
var font = new XFont("Courier New", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);
var textMeasurements = graphics.MeasureString(text, font);
var rectangle = new XRect(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
var pen = new XPen(XColors.Black, 1) { DashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid };
var brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 168, 216, 239));
graphics.DrawRectangle(brush, rectangle);
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
graphics.DrawString(string.Empty, font, XBrushes.Black, rectangle, XStringFormats.Center);
private static void AddAnnotation(XGraphics graphics, PdfPage page, double x, double y, double height, double width)
PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect rect = graphics.Transformer.WorldToDefaultPage(new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height)));
// // Create a PDF text annotation
PdfTextAnnotation textAnnot = new PdfTextAnnotation();
textAnnot.Title = "This is the title";
textAnnot.Subject = "This is the subject";
textAnnot.Contents = "This is the contents of the annotation.\rThis is the 2nd line.";
//textAnnot.Icon = PdfTextAnnotationIcon.Note;
textAnnot.Rectangle = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(rect);
// Add the annotation to the page
尝试多次后,在 pdfsharp 论坛跟进。我得到了解决方案
感谢来自 pdfsharp 的原作者 forum
private static void AddAnnotation(XGraphics graphics, PdfPage page, double x, double y, double height, double width)
PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect rect = graphics.Transformer.WorldToDefaultPage(new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height)));
XRect annotrect = new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height));
// Create a PDF text annotation
PdfTextAnnotation textAnnot = new PdfTextAnnotation();
textAnnot.Title = "This is the title";
textAnnot.Subject = "This is the subject";
textAnnot.Contents = "This is the contents of the annotation.\rThis is the 2nd line.";
textAnnot.Rectangle = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(rect);
// The following lines of code did the trick
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/Subtype", new PdfLiteral("/Square"));
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/IC", new PdfLiteral("[0 0 0]"));
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/CA", new PdfLiteral("0"));
// Add the annotation to the page
我正在使用 Pdfsharp c# 库来突出显示文本并在鼠标悬停在突出显示的文本上时添加注释。
我想在我的 PDF 上注释矩形 area/highlighted 文本。即我想将鼠标悬停在给定矩形区域内的任意位置并弹出注释。
我查看了 PDFsharp 和 iTextSharp 的文档,我只能看到 TextAnnotation 示例。
下面是我从 PDfSharp 绘制矩形和添加注释的代码。
private static void DrawRectangle(string text, int padding, XGraphics graphics, double x, double y, double rectHeight, double rectWidth)
var font = new XFont("Courier New", 12, XFontStyle.Regular);
var textMeasurements = graphics.MeasureString(text, font);
var rectangle = new XRect(x, y, rectWidth, rectHeight);
var pen = new XPen(XColors.Black, 1) { DashStyle = XDashStyle.Solid };
var brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 168, 216, 239));
graphics.DrawRectangle(brush, rectangle);
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, rectangle);
graphics.DrawString(string.Empty, font, XBrushes.Black, rectangle, XStringFormats.Center);
private static void AddAnnotation(XGraphics graphics, PdfPage page, double x, double y, double height, double width)
PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect rect = graphics.Transformer.WorldToDefaultPage(new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height)));
// // Create a PDF text annotation
PdfTextAnnotation textAnnot = new PdfTextAnnotation();
textAnnot.Title = "This is the title";
textAnnot.Subject = "This is the subject";
textAnnot.Contents = "This is the contents of the annotation.\rThis is the 2nd line.";
//textAnnot.Icon = PdfTextAnnotationIcon.Note;
textAnnot.Rectangle = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(rect);
// Add the annotation to the page
尝试多次后,在 pdfsharp 论坛跟进。我得到了解决方案
感谢来自 pdfsharp 的原作者 forum
private static void AddAnnotation(XGraphics graphics, PdfPage page, double x, double y, double height, double width)
PdfSharp.Drawing.XRect rect = graphics.Transformer.WorldToDefaultPage(new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height)));
XRect annotrect = new XRect(new XPoint(x, y), new XSize(width, height));
// Create a PDF text annotation
PdfTextAnnotation textAnnot = new PdfTextAnnotation();
textAnnot.Title = "This is the title";
textAnnot.Subject = "This is the subject";
textAnnot.Contents = "This is the contents of the annotation.\rThis is the 2nd line.";
textAnnot.Rectangle = new PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfRectangle(rect);
// The following lines of code did the trick
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/Subtype", new PdfLiteral("/Square"));
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/IC", new PdfLiteral("[0 0 0]"));
textAnnot.Elements.Add("/CA", new PdfLiteral("0"));
// Add the annotation to the page