AWS Firehose 到 Elastic Search - 将一个 Firehose 记录转换为多个 Elastic 条目

AWS Firehose to Elastic Search - Transforming one Firehose record into multiple Elastic entries

我有一个优化(标准化)JSON 字符串传入我的 Lambda 函数。它被转发到 Firehose 到 Elastic Search。 我的计划是使用 Kinesis Data Transformation Lambda(参见对 JSON 进行非规范化,以从中获取正确的 Elastic Search 条目。 这个问题是关于doability/how去做的。

这是我的基本 AWS 设置:

  1. Lambda 函数:从互联网获取规范化的 JSON,验证它,附加一些属性,通过 putRecord.
  2. 将它转发到 Kinesis Firehose
  3. Kinesis Firehose 转换 lambda:获取一条记录,读取 JSON 并从中生成多个项目,returns 返回到 Firehose,后者将其转发到 Elastic Search

我的问题是:Firehose/the 转换 lambda 是否可以从一条记录中创建多个 Elastic Search 条目? 我将尝试用一些伪代码来想象这个场景:


exports.handler = async function (event) {
    // 1. get inputDoc from request, which contains multiple es_documents
    // 2. attach timestamp as property
    // result:
    const inputDoc = {
        request_logged_at: '2017-02-07T15:13:01.39256Z',
        es_documents: [
                foo: 'bar'
                foo: 'baz'

    const firehoseParams = {
        DeliveryStreamName: 'Delivery-Stream',
        Record: {
            Data: JSON.stringify(inputDoc)

    await firehose.putRecord(firehoseParams).promise();
    return { statusCode: 201 };


exports.handler = (event, context) => {
    const record = event.records[0];
    const myDoc = (new Buffer(, 'base64')).toString('utf8');

    // Denormalize request_logged_at into the single documents, so every document in Elastic knows when it got logged
    const docsToElastic = => {
        return doc.request_logged_at = myDoc.request_logged_at;

    // This is the main point: How to return this array back to Firehose so Elastic creates multiple table entries?
    // My first guess is the following, as I've seen this syntax in other places 
    // (see first "Note" on this page[])
    const result = docsToElastic.reduce((accumulator, doc) => {
        return accumulator + JSON.stringify(doc);
    }, '');

    // result: '{"foo":"bar","request_logged_at":"2017-02-07T15:13:01.39256Z"}{"foo":"baz","request_logged_at":"2017-02-07T15:13:01.39256Z"}'

    const payload = (new Buffer(result, 'utf8')).toString('base64');
    return {
        recordId: record.recordId,
        result: 'Ok',
        data: payload


顺便说一句:我知道我可以在第一个 lambda 中进行非规范化并使用 firehose.putRecordBatch(),但是第一个 lambda 已经有很多任务,这也是一个分离关注点的问题

我自己解决了。 docs 的这些提示给了我一个想法:

It [Firehose] then generates an Elasticsearch bulk request to index multiple records to your Elasticsearch cluster. Make sure that your record is UTF-8 encoded and flattened to a single-line JSON object before you send it to Kinesis Data Firehose.

所以在幕后实际发生的是 Firehose 执行 ES bulk request。那么 Firehose 可能会做什么:

    POST _bulk
    { "index" : { "_index" : "my-index" } }
    { "index" : { "_index" : "my-index" } }
    { "index" : { "_index" : "my-index" } }

所以我所做的是修改 one FirehoseRecord.Data 以包含多行文档,每行由 { "index" : ...} 对象分隔:

const result = docsToElastic.reduce((accumulator, log, currentIndex) => {
    return accumulator +
        // Skip index at first time bcs. that is what Firehose does
        (currentIndex === 0 ? '' : '{ "index" : { "_index" : "my-index"} }' + '\n') +
        JSON.stringify(log) + '\n';
}, '');


{ "index" : { "_index" : "my-index" } }
{ "index" : { "_index" : "my-index" } }

注意第一个丢失的 { "index" : ...} 对象。这是因为 Firehose 在整个记录之前添加了第一个 { "index" : ...} 本身。
