
Branching Workflows based on value of specified Page field

我有一个带有 reflection_date 字段的 DailyReflectionPage 模型,该字段构成了 Page 的 slug 的基础,其形式为 YYYY-MM-DD。这是我的页面模型的摘录:

class DailyReflectionPage(Page):
    The Daily Reflection Model

    reflection_date = models.DateField("Reflection Date", max_length=254)
    def date(self):
        Returns the Reflection's date as a string in %Y-%m-%d format
        fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
        date_as_string = (self.reflection_date).strftime(fmt)
        return date_as_string      
    def full_clean(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # first call the built-in cleanups (including default slug generation)
        super(DailyReflectionPage, self).full_clean(*args, **kwargs)

        # now make your additional modifications
        if self.slug is not self.date:
            self.slug = self.date

这些日常反思由不同的作者撰写,作为年底出版的小册子的一部分,供来年使用。我想有一个工作流程,例如,1 月到 6 月的每日反思由一个小组审查,7 月到 12 月的每日反思由另一个小组审查,如下图所示:


这应该可以通过创建一个新的工作流 Task 类型来实现,该类型与两组用户 Group 有关系(例如 a/b 或 before/after, 最好在模型定义中保留这个泛型。

这个新 Task 可以作为 Wagtail 管理中新 Workflow 的一部分创建,并且每个组都链接到版主组 1 / 2。

Wagtail 在 Task 上的方法允许您根据 Page 模型为任何已创建的工作流程 return 批准选项,从这里您可以寻找一个方法class 并从那里分配组。



  • 1 - 阅读 Wagatail Docs on how to add a new Task Type and the Task model reference 以了解此过程。
  • 2 - 通读内置 GroupApprovalTask.
  • 代码中的完整实现
  • 3 - 在 GroupApprovalTask 中,您可以看到具有覆盖的方法都依赖于 self.groups 的检查,但它们都将 page 作为参数传递给那些方法方法。
  • 4 - 创建一个新的 Task 来扩展 Wagtail Task class 并在此模型上创建两个 ManyToManyField 以允许链接两组用户组(注意:您不必将此作为两个字段,您可以在中间放置一个模型,但下面的示例只是到达监狱的最简单方法)。
  • 5 - 在 DailyReflectionPage 模型上创建一个方法 get_approval_group_key,它将 return 可能是一个简单的布尔值或 'A' 或 'B' 基于您在上面描述的业务需求(检查模型的日期等)
  • 6 - 在您的自定义 Task 中创建一个方法,抽象化检查 Page 此方法和 return 任务的用户组。您可能想要添加一些错误处理和默认值。例如。 get_approval_groups
  • 7 - 为每个 'start'、'user_can_access_editor'、page_locked_for_useruser_can_lockuser_can_unlockget_task_states_user_can_moderate 添加自定义方法调用 get_approval_group 页面和 return 值的方法(请参阅代码 GroupApprovalTask 以了解它们应该做什么。



class DailyReflectionPage(Page):
    The Daily Reflection Model
    def get_approval_group_key(self):
        # custom logic here that checks all the date stuff
        if date_is_after_foo:
            return 'A'
        return 'B'    

class SplitGroupApprovalTask(Task):

    ## note: this is the simplest approach, two fields of linked groups, you could further refine this approach as needed.

    groups_a = models.ManyToManyField(
        help_text="Pages at this step in a workflow will be moderated or approved by these groups of users",
    groups_b = models.ManyToManyField(
        help_text="Pages at this step in a workflow will be moderated or approved by these groups of users",

    admin_form_fields = Task.admin_form_fields + ["groups_a", "groups_b"]
    admin_form_widgets = {
        "groups_a": forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple,
        "groups_b": forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple,

    def get_approval_groups(self, page):
       """This method gets used by all checks when determining what group to allow/assign this Task to"""
        # recommend some checks here, what if `get_approval_group` is not on the Page?
        approval_group = page.specific.get_approval_group_key()

        if (approval_group == 'A'):
            return self.group_a

        return self.group_b

    # each of the following methods will need to be implemented, all checking for the correct groups for the Page when called
    # def start(self, ...etc)
    # def user_can_access_editor(self, ...etc)
    # def page_locked_for_user(self, ...etc)
    # def user_can_lock(self, ...etc)
    # def user_can_unlock(self, ...etc)

    def get_task_states_user_can_moderate(self, user, **kwargs):
        # Note: this has not been tested, however as this method does not get `page` we must find all the tasks allowed indirectly via their TaskState pages

        tasks = TaskState.objects.filter(status=TaskState.STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, task=self.task_ptr)

        filtered_tasks = []
        for task in tasks:
            page = task.select_related('page_revision', 'task', 'page_revision__page')
            groups = self.get_approval_groups(page)
            if groups.filter(id__in=user.groups.all()).exists() or user.is_superuser:

        return TaskState.objects.filter(pk__in=[task.pk for task in filtered_tasks])

    def get_actions(self, page, user):
        # essentially a copy of this method on `GroupApprovalTask` but with the ability to have a dynamic 'group' returned.
        approval_groups = self.get_approval_groups(page)

        if approval_groups.filter(id__in=user.groups.all()).exists() or user.is_superuser:
            return [
                ('reject', "Request changes", True),
                ('approve', "Approve", False),
                ('approve', "Approve with comment", True),

        return super().get_actions(page, user)