只能将 str(不是 "tuple")连接到 str
can only concatenate str (not "tuple") to str
def chek_stationary(x):
label=['ADF statestic test','p value','num of legs','num of observation']
for value,label in zip(result,label):
print(label + ":" + result)
if result[1] <= 0.05 :
print ('there is evedincee null hypothesis')
print('which means there is no root here ')
print ('and its stationary ')
else :
print ('there isnot evedence and there is root and its nun stationrary')
每当我尝试这个函数时,我都会收到这个错误:"can only concatenate str (not "tuple") to str"
str_var = 'aaa'
tuple_var = ('b','B')
print(str_var + ":" + tuple_var)
类型错误:只能将 str(不是“元组”)连接到 str
修复: - 只需在之前添加 str() 函数。
str_var = 'aaa'
tuple_var = ('b','B')
print(str_var + ":" + str(tuple_var))
没有错误的结果: aaa:('b', 'B')
def chek_stationary(x):
label=['ADF statestic test','p value','num of legs','num of observation']
for value,label in zip(result,label):
print(label + ":" + result)
if result[1] <= 0.05 :
print ('there is evedincee null hypothesis')
print('which means there is no root here ')
print ('and its stationary ')
else :
print ('there isnot evedence and there is root and its nun stationrary')
每当我尝试这个函数时,我都会收到这个错误:"can only concatenate str (not "tuple") to str"
str_var = 'aaa'
tuple_var = ('b','B')
print(str_var + ":" + tuple_var)
抛出相同错误的结果: 类型错误:只能将 str(不是“元组”)连接到 str
修复: - 只需在之前添加 str() 函数。
str_var = 'aaa'
tuple_var = ('b','B')
print(str_var + ":" + str(tuple_var))
没有错误的结果: aaa:('b', 'B')