使下拉列表依赖于 ASP.NET 没有 JS 的核心 MVC 中的另一个下拉列表

Make dropdown list dependent on another dropdown in ASP.NET Core MVC without JS



public class Country
    public List<Plate> plates { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }

    public Country(string jsonRead)
        plates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Plate>>(jsonRead);

    public IEnumerable<Plate> getAllPlates()
        return plates.OrderBy(r => r.type);


public class Plate
    public string type { get; set; }
    public List<Subtype> subtypes { get; set; }

    public Plate()
        subtypes = new List<Subtype>();

子类型 class:

public class Subtype
    public string subtypeName { get; set; }
    public string color { get; set; }

    public Subtype(string subtype, string color)
        this.subtypeName = subtype;
        this.color = color;


public IActionResult CreatePlate(string name)
    var model = countryData.GetCountry(name);
    return View(model);

最后 CreatePlate.cshtml 查看:

@model Generator.Country

    ViewData["Title"] = "CreatePlate";


    <hr />
    <dl class="row">
        <dt class="col-sm-2">

            <select id="Plate" name="Plate" onchange="this.form.submit()">
                @if (Model.plates != null)
                    foreach (var Title in Model.plates)
                        <option value="@Title.type">@Title.type</option>

            <select id="Subtype" name="Subtype" onchange="this.form.submit()">
                @if (Model.plates != null)
                    foreach (var Title in Model.plates.Select(r => r))
                        foreach (var subtype in Title.subtypes) 
                        <option value="@subtype.subtypeName">@subtype.subtypeName</option>

        <dd class = "col-sm-10">

现在我在第一个 foreach 中显示所有板块,但在第二个中,我得到所有子类型而不是第一个下拉列表中选择的子类型。


这是我在 ASP.NET Core MVC 中的第一个项目。

简单的答案是 'No'。如果不使用 JS,您将无法做到这一点。如果你正在做网络开发。 JS 几乎是基本要求!

所以解决方案...学习JS。你知道 C#。语法是一样的。或者找个差不多的JS(有)修改一下




public class Plate
    public string type { get; set; }
    public List<Subtype> subtypes { get; set; }
    public Plate()
        subtypes = new List<Subtype>();
public class Subtype
    public string subtypeName { get; set; }
    public string color { get; set; }
    public Subtype(string subtype, string color)
        this.subtypeName = subtype;
        this.color = color;
public class Country
    public List<Plate> plates { get; set; }
    public string name { get; set; }     


@model Country    
    ViewData["Title"] = "CreatePlate";
        <hr />
        <dl class="row">
            <dt class="col-sm-2"> 
                <select id="Plate" name="Plate" onchange="this.form.submit()">
                    @if (Model.plates != null)
                        foreach (var Title in Model.plates)
                            <option value="@Title.type" selected="@(ViewBag.SelectedIndex==Title.type?"selected":null)" >@Title.type</option>

                <select id="Subtype" name="Subtype">
                    @if (Model.plates != null)
                        foreach (var Title in Model.plates.Select(r => r))
                            foreach (var subtype in Title.subtypes)
                                <option value="@subtype.subtypeName">@subtype.subtypeName</option>

            <dd class="col-sm-10">



public class HomeController : Controller
    //hard coded the data
    List<Country> country = new List<Country>()
        new Country(){
            plates= new List<Plate>()
                new Plate(){type="p1",subtypes=new List<Subtype>(){new Subtype("sub1","red"),new Subtype("sub2","yellow")}},
                new Plate(){type="p2",subtypes=new List<Subtype>(){new Subtype("sub3","green"),new Subtype("sub4","blue")}},
                new Plate(){type="p3",subtypes=new List<Subtype>(){new Subtype("sub5","gray")}}
    public IActionResult CreatePlate(string name, string Plate)   
        ViewBag.SelectedIndex = "p1";
        //get all the data of three tables
        var model = country.Where(a=>a.name==name).FirstOrDefault();
        if (Plate != null)
            model.plates.Where(a => a.type != Plate).Select(a => a.subtypes).ToList().ForEach(a => a.Clear());
            ViewBag.SelectedIndex = Plate;  //used to keep the selected item
            return View(model);

        model.plates.ForEach(a => a.subtypes.Clear());
        return View(model);