向 -Inf 舍入的快速浮点到整数公式:它是如何工作的?

Fast float-to-int formula with rounding toward -Inf: how does it work?

我一直在玩 x87 FPU 编程,我刚刚遇到以下从 float(32 位)转换为 int(32 位)的魔法:

    flds    from             # number to convert from
    fadds   magic1           # add magic number 1 (???)
    fstps   to               # store in destination as single-precision binary32
    movl    to,%eax          # load float result as an int
    subl    $magic2,%eax     # subtract magic number 2 (???)
    sarl    ,%eax          # divide by 2
    movl    %eax,to          # and look, here's the result!

 .section .rodata
magic1:  .float 6291456.0    # 3 * 2^21
.equ magic2, 0x4ac00000      # ???

from:    .float 31415.9265   # pick a number, any number...
to:      .long  0            # result ends up here

(带有 GAS 指令的 AT&T 语法)



第一个神奇的数字强制重新缩放参数,以便整数部分的 LSbit 在小数部分变为 rightmost-but-one。

