what is the best algorithm for this game?
游戏使用 8 张牌,编号为 1 到 8。游戏开始时,这些牌都在 table(桌子)上,正面朝上。引用自说明:
The goal of the game is that you reach the sum of 15 with 3 cards in your hand. The first person to reach this goal in a maximum of 30 turns is the winner.
Each time at your turn, you are supposed to take one card from the desk.
When you have 3 cards in your hand, you should swap one of your cards in your hand with a card on the desk.
然后,您可以将最终输赢状态(即其中一名玩家达到 15 的状态)标记为赢或输。 (有些状态是“不可能的”,两个玩家都达到了 15)。
这个答案的最后是解决游戏的代码 prints the optimal strategy。
128 - 346 : WINS: 1->5 | LOSSES: 1->7, 2->7, 8->5, 8->7 | DRAWS: 2->5
表示要移动的玩家有牌 [1, 2, 8] 而他们的对手有牌 [3, 4, 6]。移动的玩家可以通过丢弃 1 并拿起 5 来获胜,如果移动的玩家丢弃 2 并拿起 5,则移动的玩家可以平局(双方玩家的最佳发挥),否则其他玩家可以强制获胜。
/ - / : WINS: none | LOSSES: none | DRAWS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
import itertools
def states():
N = set(range(1, 9))
for k in range(7): # total number of cards picked up.
for p1 in itertools.combinations(N, k//2):
for p2 in itertools.combinations(N.difference(p1), (k+1)//2):
yield p1, p2
STATES = list(states())
PICKUPS = dict(((p1, p2), set(range(1, 9)).difference(p1).difference(p2)) for p1, p2 in STATES)
WL = dict()
def moves(p1, p2):
if len(p1) == 3 and len(p2) == 3:
for i in range(3):
for c2 in PICKUPS[p1, p2]:
new_p1 = p1[:i] + p1[i+1:] + (c2,)
yield p2, tuple(sorted(new_p1))
for c2 in PICKUPS[p1, p2]:
new_p1 = tuple(sorted(p1 + (c2,)))
yield p2, new_p1
def raw_score(S):
p1, p2 = S
w1 = len(p1) == 3 and sum(p1) == 15
w2 = len(p2) == 3 and sum(p2) == 15
if w1 and w2:
return 0
elif w1:
return 1
elif w2:
return -1
for S in STATES:
score = raw_score(S)
if score is not None:
WL[S] = score
while True:
modified = False
for S in STATES:
if S in WL:
move_scores = [WL.get(x) for x in moves(*S)]
if -1 in move_scores:
WL[S] = 1
modified = True
if all(x == 1 for x in move_scores):
WL[S] = -1
modified = True
if not modified:
def droptake(old, new):
if len(old) == len(new):
return [x for x in old if x not in new][0], [x for x in new if x not in old][0]
return None, [x for x in new if x not in old][0]
def describe(S, S2):
old = S[0]
new = S2[1]
drop, take = droptake(old, new)
if drop:
return '%d->%d' % (drop, take)
return '%d' % take
def describe_state(S):
p1, p2 = S
return (''.join(str(x) for x in p1) or '/')+ ' - ' + (''.join(str(x) for x in p2) or '/')
index = dict()
for i, S in enumerate(STATES):
index[S] = i
for S in STATES:
wins = []
loses = []
draws = []
score = raw_score(S)
if score is not None:
if score != 0:
print(describe_state(S), ' :', '<WON>' if score == 1 else '<LOST>')
for S2 in moves(*S):
score = WL.get(S2)
if score == -1:
wins.append(describe(S, S2))
elif score == 1:
loses.append(describe(S, S2))
draws.append(describe(S, S2))
print(describe_state(S), ' :', 'WINS:', ', '.join(wins) or 'none', '| LOSSES:', ', '.join(loses) or 'none', '| DRAWS:', ', '.join(draws) or 'none')
我建议创建一个 minimax 算法,它(就像@PaulHankin 的回答)创建一个博弈树。不同之处在于状态是 发现的 随着移动的进行。
这个问题引起了我的兴趣,因此我在 JavaScript 中创建了一个交互式代码段,这很有趣。它向您显示可用的动作,以及它们是否会导致胜利、失败或平局。在赢或输的情况下,它会告诉你有多少次半步(步数)你远离那个命运(最佳游戏)。
class Node {
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
this.neighbors = []; // List of Node instances that can be reached with one move
cardOwner(card) {
return (this.id >> (2*card-2)) & 3; // Decode binary representation
* generateMoves() { // Yield the moves that player 1 can make
let hands = [[], [], []];
// Translate id to sets of cards
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) hands[this.cardOwner(card)].push(card);
let [desk, myHand, otherHand] = hands;
if (otherHand.length < 3 || otherHand.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) !== 15) {
if (myHand.length < 3) {
for (let card of desk) yield this.getTargetId(card);
} else {
for (let discard of myHand) {
for (let replace of desk) yield this.getTargetId(discard, replace);
getTargetId(...cards) {
let id = this.id;
for (let card of cards) id ^= 1 << (card*2-2);
// Toggle owner, as in each state we consider player 1 as the player to move
for (let mask = 3; mask < 0x10000; mask <<= 2) {
if (id & mask) id ^= mask;
return id;
compare(next) {
let id = this.id;
let nextId = next.id;
let diff = { replace: 0, discard: 0 };
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
if ((id & 3) && !(nextId & 3)) diff.discard = card;
else if (!(id & 3) && (nextId & 3)) diff.replace = card;
id >>= 2;
nextId >>= 2;
return diff;
class Game {
constructor() {
this.hist = []; // Previous states (after moves have been made)
this.node = new Node(0); // 0 is the initial state where all 8 cards are on desk
this.visited = new Map; // Evaluated states; Node instances keyed by their identifier
move(target) {
this.node = target;
undo() {
this.node = this.hist.pop();
minimax() {
if (this.node.value !== undefined) return; // Already visited
// Generate neighbors for this Node
this.node.neighbors = Array.from(this.node.generateMoves(), targetId => {
let target = this.visited.get(targetId); // Get a Node instance
if (!target) this.visited.set(targetId, target = new Node(targetId));
return target;
if (!this.node.neighbors.length) { // Game over!
this.node.value = 100;
// Assign temporary value while depth-first search is ongoing.
// This will ensure that a revisit is considered a draw (repetition of moves)
this.node.value = 0; // 0 indicates a draw
let bestValue = -Infinity;
for (let target of this.node.neighbors) {
bestValue = Math.max(bestValue, this.node.value);
// Definite value: reduce its absolute value, so to favour quick wins over slow wins
this.node.value = bestValue && (Math.abs(bestValue) - 1) * Math.sign(-bestValue);
let game = new Game;
game.minimax(); // Create the full game tree rooted at the initial state
// I/O management
let state = document.getElementById("state");
let moves = document.getElementById("moves");
let undo = document.getElementById("undo");
let message = document.getElementById("message");
function display() {
let turn = game.hist.length % 2;
let mapper = [1, turn*2, 2 - turn*2];
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
let owner = game.node.cardOwner(card);
let ownerRow = state.rows[mapper[owner]];
for (let row of state.rows) {
row.cells[card].textContent = row === ownerRow ? card : "";
state.rows[0].classList.toggle("turn", !turn);
state.rows[2].classList.toggle("turn", turn);
message.textContent = game.node.neighbors.length ? `Player ${turn + 1} to play. Make your choice:` : `Player ${2 - turn} won!`;
undo.disabled = !game.hist.length;
moves.innerHTML = "";
for (let target of game.node.neighbors) {
let { discard, replace } = game.node.compare(target);
let button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = `${discard ? `Replace ${discard} with` : "Select"} ${replace} ${
target.value < 0 ? `(lose in ${101+target.value})` :
target.value > 0 ? `(win in ${101-target.value})` : "(draw)"
moves.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
let moveIndex = [...moves.children].indexOf(e.target);
if (moveIndex >= 0) game.move(game.node.neighbors[moveIndex]);
undo.addEventListener("click", function() {
td { border: 1px solid; background: yellow; min-width: 1em; text-align: center }
td:empty, td:first-child { border-color: transparent; background: none }
tr:nth-child(odd) { background: lightblue }
tr.turn { background: orange }
#moves > * { display: block }
<table id="state">
<td>Player 1: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<td>Desk: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<td>Player 2: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="undo">Undo last move</button><br>
<div id="moves"></div>
当第一个玩家选择牌 6 或 8 时,第二个玩家 必须 拿牌 5 否则他们将输(最佳游戏)。博弈树迅速扩大,但也有其他州只有一个好棋。
发现的不同状态数(包括根状态)为 1713。该算法不考虑 30 步限制,因为这是一个“乏味”的规则。 not 有这个限制的好处是算法需要足够聪明以检测重复。有了30手的限制,就不需要进行这样的循环检查了。
可以在 repl.it
游戏使用 8 张牌,编号为 1 到 8。游戏开始时,这些牌都在 table(桌子)上,正面朝上。引用自说明:
The goal of the game is that you reach the sum of 15 with 3 cards in your hand. The first person to reach this goal in a maximum of 30 turns is the winner.
Each time at your turn, you are supposed to take one card from the desk.
When you have 3 cards in your hand, you should swap one of your cards in your hand with a card on the desk.
然后,您可以将最终输赢状态(即其中一名玩家达到 15 的状态)标记为赢或输。 (有些状态是“不可能的”,两个玩家都达到了 15)。
这个答案的最后是解决游戏的代码 prints the optimal strategy。
128 - 346 : WINS: 1->5 | LOSSES: 1->7, 2->7, 8->5, 8->7 | DRAWS: 2->5
表示要移动的玩家有牌 [1, 2, 8] 而他们的对手有牌 [3, 4, 6]。移动的玩家可以通过丢弃 1 并拿起 5 来获胜,如果移动的玩家丢弃 2 并拿起 5,则移动的玩家可以平局(双方玩家的最佳发挥),否则其他玩家可以强制获胜。
/ - / : WINS: none | LOSSES: none | DRAWS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
import itertools
def states():
N = set(range(1, 9))
for k in range(7): # total number of cards picked up.
for p1 in itertools.combinations(N, k//2):
for p2 in itertools.combinations(N.difference(p1), (k+1)//2):
yield p1, p2
STATES = list(states())
PICKUPS = dict(((p1, p2), set(range(1, 9)).difference(p1).difference(p2)) for p1, p2 in STATES)
WL = dict()
def moves(p1, p2):
if len(p1) == 3 and len(p2) == 3:
for i in range(3):
for c2 in PICKUPS[p1, p2]:
new_p1 = p1[:i] + p1[i+1:] + (c2,)
yield p2, tuple(sorted(new_p1))
for c2 in PICKUPS[p1, p2]:
new_p1 = tuple(sorted(p1 + (c2,)))
yield p2, new_p1
def raw_score(S):
p1, p2 = S
w1 = len(p1) == 3 and sum(p1) == 15
w2 = len(p2) == 3 and sum(p2) == 15
if w1 and w2:
return 0
elif w1:
return 1
elif w2:
return -1
for S in STATES:
score = raw_score(S)
if score is not None:
WL[S] = score
while True:
modified = False
for S in STATES:
if S in WL:
move_scores = [WL.get(x) for x in moves(*S)]
if -1 in move_scores:
WL[S] = 1
modified = True
if all(x == 1 for x in move_scores):
WL[S] = -1
modified = True
if not modified:
def droptake(old, new):
if len(old) == len(new):
return [x for x in old if x not in new][0], [x for x in new if x not in old][0]
return None, [x for x in new if x not in old][0]
def describe(S, S2):
old = S[0]
new = S2[1]
drop, take = droptake(old, new)
if drop:
return '%d->%d' % (drop, take)
return '%d' % take
def describe_state(S):
p1, p2 = S
return (''.join(str(x) for x in p1) or '/')+ ' - ' + (''.join(str(x) for x in p2) or '/')
index = dict()
for i, S in enumerate(STATES):
index[S] = i
for S in STATES:
wins = []
loses = []
draws = []
score = raw_score(S)
if score is not None:
if score != 0:
print(describe_state(S), ' :', '<WON>' if score == 1 else '<LOST>')
for S2 in moves(*S):
score = WL.get(S2)
if score == -1:
wins.append(describe(S, S2))
elif score == 1:
loses.append(describe(S, S2))
draws.append(describe(S, S2))
print(describe_state(S), ' :', 'WINS:', ', '.join(wins) or 'none', '| LOSSES:', ', '.join(loses) or 'none', '| DRAWS:', ', '.join(draws) or 'none')
我建议创建一个 minimax 算法,它(就像@PaulHankin 的回答)创建一个博弈树。不同之处在于状态是 发现的 随着移动的进行。
这个问题引起了我的兴趣,因此我在 JavaScript 中创建了一个交互式代码段,这很有趣。它向您显示可用的动作,以及它们是否会导致胜利、失败或平局。在赢或输的情况下,它会告诉你有多少次半步(步数)你远离那个命运(最佳游戏)。
class Node {
constructor(id) {
this.id = id;
this.neighbors = []; // List of Node instances that can be reached with one move
cardOwner(card) {
return (this.id >> (2*card-2)) & 3; // Decode binary representation
* generateMoves() { // Yield the moves that player 1 can make
let hands = [[], [], []];
// Translate id to sets of cards
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) hands[this.cardOwner(card)].push(card);
let [desk, myHand, otherHand] = hands;
if (otherHand.length < 3 || otherHand.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) !== 15) {
if (myHand.length < 3) {
for (let card of desk) yield this.getTargetId(card);
} else {
for (let discard of myHand) {
for (let replace of desk) yield this.getTargetId(discard, replace);
getTargetId(...cards) {
let id = this.id;
for (let card of cards) id ^= 1 << (card*2-2);
// Toggle owner, as in each state we consider player 1 as the player to move
for (let mask = 3; mask < 0x10000; mask <<= 2) {
if (id & mask) id ^= mask;
return id;
compare(next) {
let id = this.id;
let nextId = next.id;
let diff = { replace: 0, discard: 0 };
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
if ((id & 3) && !(nextId & 3)) diff.discard = card;
else if (!(id & 3) && (nextId & 3)) diff.replace = card;
id >>= 2;
nextId >>= 2;
return diff;
class Game {
constructor() {
this.hist = []; // Previous states (after moves have been made)
this.node = new Node(0); // 0 is the initial state where all 8 cards are on desk
this.visited = new Map; // Evaluated states; Node instances keyed by their identifier
move(target) {
this.node = target;
undo() {
this.node = this.hist.pop();
minimax() {
if (this.node.value !== undefined) return; // Already visited
// Generate neighbors for this Node
this.node.neighbors = Array.from(this.node.generateMoves(), targetId => {
let target = this.visited.get(targetId); // Get a Node instance
if (!target) this.visited.set(targetId, target = new Node(targetId));
return target;
if (!this.node.neighbors.length) { // Game over!
this.node.value = 100;
// Assign temporary value while depth-first search is ongoing.
// This will ensure that a revisit is considered a draw (repetition of moves)
this.node.value = 0; // 0 indicates a draw
let bestValue = -Infinity;
for (let target of this.node.neighbors) {
bestValue = Math.max(bestValue, this.node.value);
// Definite value: reduce its absolute value, so to favour quick wins over slow wins
this.node.value = bestValue && (Math.abs(bestValue) - 1) * Math.sign(-bestValue);
let game = new Game;
game.minimax(); // Create the full game tree rooted at the initial state
// I/O management
let state = document.getElementById("state");
let moves = document.getElementById("moves");
let undo = document.getElementById("undo");
let message = document.getElementById("message");
function display() {
let turn = game.hist.length % 2;
let mapper = [1, turn*2, 2 - turn*2];
for (let card = 1; card <= 8; card++) {
let owner = game.node.cardOwner(card);
let ownerRow = state.rows[mapper[owner]];
for (let row of state.rows) {
row.cells[card].textContent = row === ownerRow ? card : "";
state.rows[0].classList.toggle("turn", !turn);
state.rows[2].classList.toggle("turn", turn);
message.textContent = game.node.neighbors.length ? `Player ${turn + 1} to play. Make your choice:` : `Player ${2 - turn} won!`;
undo.disabled = !game.hist.length;
moves.innerHTML = "";
for (let target of game.node.neighbors) {
let { discard, replace } = game.node.compare(target);
let button = document.createElement("button");
button.textContent = `${discard ? `Replace ${discard} with` : "Select"} ${replace} ${
target.value < 0 ? `(lose in ${101+target.value})` :
target.value > 0 ? `(win in ${101-target.value})` : "(draw)"
moves.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
let moveIndex = [...moves.children].indexOf(e.target);
if (moveIndex >= 0) game.move(game.node.neighbors[moveIndex]);
undo.addEventListener("click", function() {
td { border: 1px solid; background: yellow; min-width: 1em; text-align: center }
td:empty, td:first-child { border-color: transparent; background: none }
tr:nth-child(odd) { background: lightblue }
tr.turn { background: orange }
#moves > * { display: block }
<table id="state">
<td>Player 1: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<td>Desk: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<td>Player 2: </td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td>
<div id="message"></div>
<button id="undo">Undo last move</button><br>
<div id="moves"></div>
当第一个玩家选择牌 6 或 8 时,第二个玩家 必须 拿牌 5 否则他们将输(最佳游戏)。博弈树迅速扩大,但也有其他州只有一个好棋。
发现的不同状态数(包括根状态)为 1713。该算法不考虑 30 步限制,因为这是一个“乏味”的规则。 not 有这个限制的好处是算法需要足够聪明以检测重复。有了30手的限制,就不需要进行这样的循环检查了。
可以在 repl.it