最大化 A[i]*B[i] + A[i]*B[j] + A[j]*B[j], i != j, 给定两个无序列表的正整数
Maximize A[i]*B[i] + A[i]*B[j] + A[j]*B[j], i != j, given two unordered lists of positive integers
给定 2 个大小相等的数组 a[]
和 b[]
,整数大于或等于 1.
找到不相等的索引 i
和 j
(i != j
) 使得值 -
max(a[i]*b[i] + a[i] * b[j] + a[j] * b[j], a[i]*b[i] + a[j] * b[i] + a[j] * b[j])
a = [1, 9, 6, 6]
和 b = [9, 1, 6, 6].
最大值将在 i = 2 和 j = 3(从零开始的索引):
a[2]*b[2] + a[2]*b[3] + a[3] * b[3] = 6*6+6*6+6*6 = 108
有没有办法在不到二次方的时间内找到 i 和 j? 同样的问题是在不到二次方的时间内找到 objective 函数值?
是的,有一个 O(n log n) 时间的算法。
如果我们看函数 f(x) = max {a[i] b[i] + a[i] x |一世}, 它描绘出一个较低的(凸面)船体。基本够评价了 f(b[j]) + a[j] b[j] 对于每个 j,有一个关键点 我们需要 i ≠ j.
为了解决这个问题,我们转向增量船体算法 摊销 O(log n) 时间插入。规范算法保持 hull 按排序顺序排列,允许 O(log n) 次查询。从...开始 一个空壳,对于每个索引 i,我们查询 i 然后插入 i。做这个 一次顺序,一次逆序,取最大值
这是我尝试实现 i != j
线A[i]*x + A[i]*B[i]
# Upper envelope of lines in the plane
from fractions import Fraction
import collections
def get_dual_point(line):
return (line[0], -line[1])
def get_primal_point(dual_line):
return (dual_line[0], -dual_line[1])
def get_line_from_two_points(p1, p2):
if p1[0] == p2[0]:
return (float('inf'), 0)
m = Fraction(p1[1] - p2[1], p1[0] - p2[0])
b = -m * p1[0] + p1[1]
return (m, b)
def cross_product(o, a, b):
return (a[0] - o[0]) * (b[1] - o[1]) - (a[1] - o[1]) * (b[0] - o[0])
# lower_hull has the structure [(dual_point, original_line, leftmost_x, index)]
def get_segment_idx(lower_hull, x):
lo = 0
hi = len(lower_hull) - 1
# Find the index of the first
# x coordinate greater than x
while lo < hi:
mid = lo + (hi - lo + 1) // 2
if lower_hull[mid][2] <= x:
lo = mid
hi = mid - 1
return lo
# Assumes we add points in order of increasing x-coordinates
def add_right_to_lower_hull(lower_hull, point):
while len(lower_hull) > 0 and lower_hull[-1][0][0] == point[0][0] and lower_hull[-1][0][1] > point[0][1]:
while len(lower_hull) > 1 and cross_product(lower_hull[-2][0], lower_hull[-1][0], point[0]) <= 0:
if not lower_hull or lower_hull[-1][0][0] != point[0][0]:
# Each segment of the lower hull
# in the dual plane is a line intersection
# in the primal plane.
if len(lower_hull) == 1:
lower_hull[0][2] = -float('inf')
line = get_line_from_two_points(lower_hull[-1][0], lower_hull[-2][0])
lower_hull[-1][2] = get_primal_point(line)[0]
return lower_hull
# Assumes we add points in order of decreasing x-coordinates
def add_left_to_lower_hull(lower_hull, point):
while len(lower_hull) > 0 and lower_hull[0][0][0] == point[0][0] and lower_hull[0][0][1] > point[0][1]:
while len(lower_hull) > 1 and cross_product(lower_hull[1][0], lower_hull[0][0], point[0]) >= 0:
if not lower_hull or lower_hull[0][0][0] != point[0][0]:
# Each segment of the lower hull
# in the dual plane is a line intersection
# in the primal plane.
if len(lower_hull) == 1:
lower_hull[0][2] = -float('inf')
line = get_line_from_two_points(lower_hull[0][0], lower_hull[1][0])
lower_hull[1][2] = get_primal_point(line)[0]
return lower_hull
# Maximise A[i] * B[i] + A[i] * B[j] + A[j] * B[j]
def f(A, B):
debug = False
if debug:
print("A: %s" % A)
print("B: %s" % B)
best = -float('inf')
best_idxs = ()
indexed_lines = [((A[i], A[i] * B[i]), i) for i in range(len(A))]
# Convert to points in the dual plane
# [dual_point, original_line, leftmost x coordinate added later, original index]
dual_points = [[get_dual_point(line), line, None, i] for line, i in indexed_lines]
# Sort points by x coordinate ascending
sorted_points = sorted(dual_points, key=lambda x: x[0][0])
if debug:
print("sorted points")
# Build lower hull, left to right
lower_hull = []
add_right_to_lower_hull(lower_hull, sorted_points[0])
for i in range (1, len(sorted_points)):
# Query the point before inserting it
# because of the stipulation that i != j
idx = sorted_points[i][3]
segment_idx = get_segment_idx(lower_hull, B[idx])
m, b = lower_hull[segment_idx][1]
j = lower_hull[segment_idx][3]
candidate = m * B[idx] + b + A[idx] * B[idx]
if debug:
print("segment: %s, idx: %s, B[idx]: %s" % (segment_idx, idx, B[idx]))
if candidate > best:
best = candidate
best_idxs = (idx, j)
add_right_to_lower_hull(lower_hull, sorted_points[i])
if debug:
print("lower hull")
# Build lower hull, right to left
lower_hull = collections.deque()
lower_hull.append(sorted_points[len(sorted_points) - 1])
for i in range (len(sorted_points) - 2, -1, -1):
# Query the point before inserting it
# because of the stipulation that i != j
idx = sorted_points[i][3]
segment_idx = get_segment_idx(lower_hull, B[idx])
m, b = lower_hull[segment_idx][1]
j = lower_hull[segment_idx][3]
candidate = m * B[idx] + b + A[idx] * B[idx]
if debug:
print("segment: %s, idx: %s, B[idx]: %s" % (segment_idx, idx, B[idx]))
if candidate > best:
best = candidate
best_idxs = (idx, j)
add_left_to_lower_hull(lower_hull, sorted_points[i])
if debug:
print("lower hull")
return best, best_idxs
#A = [1, 9, 6, 6]
#B = [9, 1, 6, 6]
#print(f(A, B))
# Test
import random
def brute_force(A, B):
best = -float('inf')
best_idxs = ()
for i in range(len(A)):
for j in range(len(B)):
if i != j:
candidate = A[i] * B[i] + A[i] * B[j] + A[j] * B[j]
if candidate > best:
best = candidate
best_idxs = (i, j)
return best, best_idxs
num_tests = 500
n = 20
m = 1000
for _ in range(num_tests):
A = [random.randint(1, m) for i in range(n)]
B = [random.randint(1, m) for i in range(n)]
_f = f(A, B)
_brute = brute_force(A, B)
if _f[0] != _brute[0]:
print(_f, _brute)
print("Done testing.")