(PHPUnit) 如何检查具有不同参数的多个链式方法调用?

(PHPUnit) How do i check multiple chained method calls with different arguments?


Expectation failed for method name is "register" when invoked 4 time(s).
Method was expected to be called 4 times, actually called 1 times.

如何确保使用参数 D、E、F、G 调用寄存器 4 次? 不改变注册方式?


class A
    public function register(InterfaceABC $bar): self
        return $this;
class Example {

    private A $a;

    public function __construct(A $a){
        $this->$a = $a;

    public function fooBar() {
        $this->a->register(new D())
            ->register(new E())
            ->register(new F())
            ->register(new G());

class ExampleTest extends TestCase

    public function testFooBar()
        $mock = $this->createMock(A:class);

       (new Example($mock))->foobar();


刚刚添加了 ->willReturnSelf() 和 boom green。
