将上一个时间戳值添加到 HIVE 查询中特定列的下一个时间戳值

Add previous timestamp value to the next timestamp value of a particular column in HIVE query

我有一个要求,我每隔 15 分钟接收一次数据。在我的输入 table 中,您可以看到有一列 Total_sales,它应该是 previous timestamp value + current_timestamp value 的聚合,而不是只有 current_timestamp 个值。

HIVE 查询 应该以这样的方式给我输出结果 table。




timestamp_ Dept_no Product_no Total_Sales
2019-09-01 9:00:00 Sales Black Ink 1
2019-09-01 9:15:00 Sales Black Ink 1
2019-09-01 9:30:00 Sales Black Ink 1
2019-09-01 9:00:00 Stock Gel Pen 1
2019-09-01 9:15:00 Stock Gel Pen 1


timestamp_ Dept_no Product_no Total_Sales
2019-09-01 9:00:00 Sales Black Ink 1
2019-09-01 9:15:00 Sales Black Ink 2 , like(1+1)
2019-09-01 9:30:00 Sales Black Ink 3 , like(2+1)
2019-09-01 9:00:00 Stock Gel Pen 1
2019-09-01 9:15:00 Stock Gel Pen 2 ,like(1+1)

使用解析 sum() over():

with mytable as(
select '2019-09-01 9:00:00' timestamp_,'Sales' Dept_no,'Black Ink' Product_no,1 Total_Sales union all
select '2019-09-01 9:15:00','Sales','Black Ink',1 union all
select '2019-09-01 9:30:00','Sales','Black Ink',1 union all
select '2019-09-01 9:00:00','Stock','Gel Pen', 1 union all
select '2019-09-01 9:15:00','Stock','Gel Pen', 1

select timestamp_, Dept_no, Product_no,
       sum(Total_Sales) over(partition by Dept_no order by timestamp_ rows between unbounded preceding and current row) Total_Sales 
   from mytable;


timestamp_          dept_no product_no  total_sales     
2019-09-01 9:00:00  Sales   Black Ink   1   
2019-09-01 9:15:00  Sales   Black Ink   2   
2019-09-01 9:30:00  Sales   Black Ink   3   
2019-09-01 9:00:00  Stock   Gel Pen     1   
2019-09-01 9:15:00  Stock   Gel Pen     2