如何检查 WAV 文件是否 valid/not 已损坏

How can I check if a WAV file is valid/not corrupted

我将 node.js 与 typescript 一起用于接收 WAV 文件的服务器,我正在尝试检查 WAV 文件是否有效,但是我不确定最好的方法是什么应该是,我已经想出如何检查一些东西,但我不确定我没有正确地做这件事并且可能做了一些不需要的检查并且可能遗漏了一些东西。

function isWavValid(fileBuffer: Buffer) {
  const byteRate = fileBuffer.readIntLE(28, 4);
  const numChannels = fileBuffer.readIntLE(22, 2);
  const sampleRate = fileBuffer.readIntLE(24, 4);
  const bitsPerSample = fileBuffer.readIntLE(34, 2);
  const reportedDataLength = fileBuffer.readIntLE(40, 4);
  const realDataLength = fileBuffer.slice(44).length;
  const reportedChunkSize = fileBuffer.readIntLE(4, 4);
  const reportedBlockAlign = fileBuffer.readIntLE(32, 2);

  if (fileBuffer.toString('utf8', 0, 4) !== 'RIFF') return false; // is the "RIFF" chunk ID "RIFF"
  if (fileBuffer.toString('utf8', 8, 12) !== 'WAVE') return false; // is the "RIFF" chunk format "WAVE"
  if (fileBuffer.toString('utf8', 12, 16) !== 'fmt ') return false; // is the "fmt " sub-chunk ID "fmt "
  if (fileBuffer.toString('utf8', 36, 40) !== 'data') return false; // is the "data" sub-chunk ID "data")
  if (reportedDataLength !== realDataLength) return false; // does the "data" sub-chunk length match the actual data length
  if (byteRate !== sampleRate * numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8) return false; // does the byterate from the "fmt " sub-chunk match calculated byterate from the samplerate, channel count and bits per sample (divided into bytes per sample)
  if (numChannels > 65535 || numChannels < 1) return false; // is the channel count within a valid range of min 1 and max 65535
  if (reportedChunkSize !== fileBuffer.length - 8) return false; // does the "RIFF" chunk size match the actual file size (minus the chunk ID and file size (8 bytes)
  if (reportedBlockAlign !== numChannels * bitsPerSample / 8) return false; // does the "fmt " chunk block align match the actual number of bytes for one sample

  return true

很多评论,因为我不熟悉使用 wav 文件和缓冲区




npm install wav-file-info --save


var wavFileInfo = require('wav-file-info');
wavFileInfo.infoByFilename('./test.wav', function(err, info){
  if (err) throw err;
