
Powershell Multi-Dimensional Array Iteration

Powershell 相当新。我正在尝试将一些不同的概念应用于此解决方案。
我想创建一个文件夹,然后使用一个旨在帮助将 ACL 设置为文件夹的功能。一个多维数组,旨在保存文件夹名称模板,以用于各种目的和部门。数字只是占位符。 我 运行 添加了假设,我没有收到任何错误,但感觉我还是在某个地方犯了错误。 我在 Powershell 中研究了很多循环和遍历多维数组的方法,但没有找到与我的意图非常匹配的方法。

function Set-permissions {
    Param($assign_to_Read, $assign_to_RW, $path)
    #Create new ACL Object
    $acl_main = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity
    #Create Read Object
    $ACL_Read = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($assign_to_Read, "Read", "Allow")
    #Set first access object to ACL: Read
    #Create Modify Object
    $ACL_RW = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($assign_to_RW, "Modify", "Allow")
    #Add access object to ACL: Modify 
    #Pipe the 
    $acl_main | Set-Acl -Path $path -WhatIf

New-Item -Path $top_level -Name $result -ItemType "directory"
#Create Subdirectories and Assign Read and RW ACL
$newEmployeePath = $top_level + '\' + $result

$employee_template = @(
("1 ",
"ACL_Read_1 ",
"ACL_RW_1 "),

("2 ",
"ACL_Read_2 ",
"ACL_RW_2 "),

("3 ",
"ACL_Read_3 ",
"ACL_RW_3 "),
ForEach($folder in $employee_template ){
    #Create the Folder from first location in the array
    New-Item -Path $newEmployeePath -Name $folder[0]
    #Set permissions for Read and RW on the folder.
    Set-permissions $folder[1] $folder[2] $newEmployeePath

我认为你最好使用 objects 的数组来代替:

$employee_template = [PsCustomObject]@{Folder = 'EmployeeFolder1'; ReadAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupRead1'; WriteAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupWrite1'},
                     [PsCustomObject]@{Folder = 'EmployeeFolder2'; ReadAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupRead2'; WriteAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupWrite2'},
                     [PsCustomObject]@{Folder = 'EmployeeFolder3'; ReadAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupRead3'; WriteAccess = 'EmployeeOrGroupWrite3'} 
                     # and so on


foreach ($employee in $employee_template) {
    # Create the Folder (suppress console output)
    $newEmployeePath = Join-Path -Path $top_level -ChildPath $employee.Folder
    $null = New-Item -Path $newEmployeePath -ItemType Directory -Force
    # Set permissions for Read and RW on the folder.
    Set-Permissions $newEmployeePath $employee.ReadAccess $employee.WriteAccess


Param($path, $assign_to_Read, $assign_to_RW)


Set-Permissions $employee.ReadAccess $employee.WriteAccess $newEmployeePath

当然,您可以轻松创建 CSV 文件并使用 Import-Csv 获取员工文件夹和访问的对象数组,这样您就不必在代码中创建它:

CSV 示例:
