
Fastest method to update all list entries with union of all intersecting entries



0, 5, 101
8, 9, 19, 21
78, 79
5, 7, 63, 64

第一行和最后一行有相交元素 5,所以在执行我的操作后我想要并集

0, 5, 7, 63, 64, 101
8, 9, 19, 21
78, 79
0, 5, 7, 63, 64, 101


def consolidate_list(arr):
    arr (list) : A list of lists, where the inner lists correspond to sets of unique integers
    arr_out = list()
    for item1 in arr:
        item_additional = list() # a list containing all overlapping elements
        for item2 in arr:
            if len(np.intersect1d(item1, item2)) > 0:
        out_val = np.unique(np.hstack([np.copy(item1)] + item_additional)) # find union of all lists

return arr_out

这种方法的问题是它需要 运行 多次,直到输出停止变化。由于输入可能参差不齐(即每组元素数量不同),我看不到对该函数进行矢量化的方法。


from itertools import combinations
l1 = [0, 5, 7, 63, 64, 101]
l2 = [8, 9, 19]
l3 = [78, 79]
l4 = [5, 4, 34]
print([v for x, y in combinations([l1, l2, l3, l4], 2) for v in {*x} & {*y}])



这个问题是关于创建 disjoint sets 的,所以我会使用 union-find 方法。

现在 Python 并不是特别以速度快着称,但是为了展示算法,这里是 DisjointSet class 没有库的实现:

class DisjointSet:
    class Element:
        def __init__(self):
            self.parent = self
            self.rank = 0

    def __init__(self):
        self.elements = {}

    def find(self, key):
        el = self.elements.get(key, None)
        if not el:
            el = self.Element()
            self.elements[key] = el
        else: # Path splitting algorithm
            while el.parent != el:
                el, el.parent = el.parent, el.parent.parent
        return el

    def union(self, key=None, *otherkeys):
        if key is not None:
            root = self.find(key)
            for otherkey in otherkeys:
                el = self.find(otherkey)
                if el != root:
                    # Union by rank
                    if root.rank < el.rank:
                        root, el = el, root
                    el.parent = root
                    if root.rank == el.rank:
                        root.rank += 1

    def groups(self):
        result = { el: [] for el in self.elements.values() 
                          if el.parent == el }
        for key in self.elements:
        return result


def solve(lists):
    disjoint = DisjointSet()
    for lst in lists:
    groups = disjoint.groups()
    return [lst and groups[disjoint.find(lst[0])] for lst in lists]


data = [
    [0, 5, 101],
    [8, 9, 19, 21],
    [78, 79],
    [5, 7, 63, 64]
result = solve(data)


[[0, 5, 101, 7, 63, 64], [8, 9, 19, 21], [], [78, 79], [0, 5, 101, 7, 63, 64]]


注意:有些库提供 union-find/disjoint 设置功能,每个库都略有不同 API,但我想使用其中一个可以提供更好的性能。