在多对多关系中访问 EF Core 中最后一个 table 的属性

Access the properties of the last table in EF Core in many to many relationships




public Tuple<List<ShowProductBoxListViewModel>, int>
        GetProductList(int pageId = 1, string filter = "", List<int> brandId = null,
            string getType = "all", List<int> tWidth = null, List<int> rDiameter = null,
            List<int> PG = null, string orderByType = "date", int startPrice = 0,
            int endPrice = 0, List<int> selectedGroups = null, int take = 0)
        if (take == 0)
            take = 8;

        IQueryable<Product> result = _context.Products
            .Include(c => c.Groups)
            .ThenInclude(c => c.ProductGroup);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
            result = result.Where(p => p.Title.Contains(filter) || p.Brand.Title.Contains(filter));
        if (brandId.Count != 0)
            result = result.Where(c => brandId.Contains(c.BrandId));
        switch (getType)
            case "all":
                var test = result.Count();
            case "discountPrice":
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                result = result.Where(c => c.PurchasePrice != null
                                           && c.StartDiscountTime.HasValue
                                           && c.StartDiscountTime < now
                                           && c.EndDiscountTime.HasValue
                                           && c.EndDiscountTime > now);
        if (tWidth.Count != 0)
            result = result.Where(c => tWidth.Contains(c.TireWidthId));
        if (rDiameter.Count != 0)
            result = result.Where(c => rDiameter.Contains(c.TireDiameterId));
        if (PG.Count != 0)
            //result = result.Where(c => PG.Contains(c.id.GroupId));
        if (startPrice > 0)
            result = result.Where(p => p.Price > startPrice);
        if (endPrice > 0)
            result = result.Where(p => p.Price < endPrice);

        if (getType == "all")
            switch (orderByType)
                case "date":
                        result = result.OrderByDescending
                                (p => p.CreateDate);
                case "lowPrice":
                        result = result.OrderBy(p => p.Price);
                case "highPrice":
                        result = result.OrderByDescending(p => p.Price);

        else if (getType == "discountPrice")
            switch (orderByType)
                case "date":
                        if (result != null)
                            result = result.OrderByDescending(p => p.CreateDate);
                            var test = result.Count();
                case "lowPrice":
                        if (result != null)
                            result = result.OrderBy(p => p.PurchasePrice);

                case "highPrice":
                        if (result != null)
                            result = result.OrderByDescending(p => p.PurchasePrice);
        int skip = (pageId - 1) * take;
        int pageCount;
        if (result != null)
            pageCount = result.Count() / take +1;
            pageCount = 0;

        List<ShowProductBoxListViewModel> query = null;
        if (result != null)
            query = result.Select(p => new ShowProductBoxListViewModel()
                ProductId = p.ProductId,
                ProductImage = p.ProductImageName,
                Priceoffer = p.PurchasePrice,
                Price = p.Price,
                ProductTitle = p.Title,
                ProductUrl = p.Url,
                BrandName = p.Brand.Name,
                BrandLogo = p.Brand.ImageName,
                ProductDeep = p.ProductDeep,
                WeightCode = p.WeightCode.Code,
                WeightTitle = p.WeightCode.Title,
                SpeedCode = p.SpeedCode.Code,
                SpeedTitle = p.SpeedCode.Title,
                RingDiameter = p.TireDiameter.Code,
                BrandId = p.BrandId,
                ProductWidth = p.TireWidth.Code,
                EndDiscountTme = p.EndDiscountTime,
                ProductCreateDate = p.ProductCreateDate,
                StockProduct = p.Stock


        return Tuple.Create(query, pageCount);

为了方便访问,我再说一遍: 我的错误在以下部分:

result = result.Where (c => PG.Contains (c.Group.GoupId));

我认为对于我所写的关系,我根本无权访问组属性。 图片已添加。 Image For Access the properties of the last table in ef core in many to many relationships 如果还需要模型。我会在下次更新时放上去。


 if (PG!=null && PG.Count > 0)
           result = result.Where(c =>   c.Groups.Any ( g=> PG.Contains(g.GroupId));