我正在尝试比较 javascript 中的两个变量

Im trying to compare two variable in javascript


function wordcompare() {
  var word1 = "word";
  var typed = document.getElementById("word");

  if (typed === word1) {
    alert("Correct word");
  } else {
    alert("Incorrect word");

您必须将输入值与 word 进行比较。你要比较的是字符串 wordHTMLElementdocument.getElementById( "word" )


当您使用 getElementById 查询任何元素时,它会返回与您作为 argument

传入的 id 相匹配的 HTMLElement

function wordcompare() {
  var word1 = "word";
  var typed = document.getElementById("word").value;

  if (typed === word1) {
    alert("Correct word");
  } else {
    alert("Incorrect word");

document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", wordcompare);
<input type="text" id="word">
<button> compare </button>



// Cache the elements
const input = document.querySelector('input');
const button = document.querySelector('button');

// When the button is clicked call the function
button.addEventListener('click', wordCompare, false);

function wordCompare() {

  const word1 = 'word';

  // Get the value from the input element and
  // then make the comparison
  if (input.value === word1) {
    console.log('Correct word');
  } else {
    console.log('Incorrect word');
<input />
<button>Check word</button>