斐波那契公式没有正确输出第 N 个值
The Fibonacci formula does not correctly output the Nth value
Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by
You are given a positive integer N which represents the number of
steps in a staircase. You can either climb 1 or 2 steps at a time.
Write a function that returns the number of unique ways to climb the
1 step =1 way,
2 steps =2 ways,
3 steps =3 ways,
4 steps =5 ways,
5 steps =8 ways,
6 steps =13 ways
7 steps =21 ways
8 steps =34 ways
9 steps =55 ways
10 steps =89 ways
11 steps =144 ways
12 steps =233 ways
13 steps =377 ways
所以为了在没有 for 循环或递归的情况下解决这个问题,我决定为第 n 项编写斐波那契公式:
import math
def staircase(n):
# Fill this in.
term_a = ((1 + math.sqrt(5))/2) ** n
term_b = ((1 - math.sqrt(5))/2) ** n
numerator = term_a - term_b
denominator = math.sqrt(5)
return int(numerator/denominator)
# 3
# 5
对于 4 和 5,我应该得到 5 和 8。相反,我得到 3 和 5。我做错了什么?
import math
def staircase(n):
term_a = ((1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2) ** n
term_b = ((1 - math.sqrt(5)) / 2) ** n
numerator = term_a - term_b
denominator = math.sqrt(5)
return int(numerator / denominator)
def fibo_rec(n):
# initial conditions
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
# recursive relationship
return fibo_rec(n-1) + fibo_rec(n-2)
n = 20
test = [fibo_rec(i) for i in range(n)] == [staircase(i) for i in range(n)]
Hi, here's your problem today. This problem was recently asked by LinkedIn:
You are given a positive integer N which represents the number of steps in a staircase. You can either climb 1 or 2 steps at a time. Write a function that returns the number of unique ways to climb the stairs.
1 step =1 way,
2 steps =2 ways,
3 steps =3 ways,
4 steps =5 ways,
5 steps =8 ways,
6 steps =13 ways
7 steps =21 ways
8 steps =34 ways
9 steps =55 ways
10 steps =89 ways
11 steps =144 ways
12 steps =233 ways
13 steps =377 ways
所以为了在没有 for 循环或递归的情况下解决这个问题,我决定为第 n 项编写斐波那契公式:
import math
def staircase(n):
# Fill this in.
term_a = ((1 + math.sqrt(5))/2) ** n
term_b = ((1 - math.sqrt(5))/2) ** n
numerator = term_a - term_b
denominator = math.sqrt(5)
return int(numerator/denominator)
# 3
# 5
对于 4 和 5,我应该得到 5 和 8。相反,我得到 3 和 5。我做错了什么?
import math
def staircase(n):
term_a = ((1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2) ** n
term_b = ((1 - math.sqrt(5)) / 2) ** n
numerator = term_a - term_b
denominator = math.sqrt(5)
return int(numerator / denominator)
def fibo_rec(n):
# initial conditions
if n == 0: return 0
if n == 1: return 1
# recursive relationship
return fibo_rec(n-1) + fibo_rec(n-2)
n = 20
test = [fibo_rec(i) for i in range(n)] == [staircase(i) for i in range(n)]