
Inserting in Linked List goes wrong


当我想使用 printNodes() 函数打印链表时,它不会打印前两个节点。我插入的方式不对,但不知道哪里出错了。

struct node *makeNode(int data)
    struct node *temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node) * 1);
    temp->data = data;
    temp->next = NULL;
    return temp;

struct node *insertEnd(int data, struct node *head)
    struct node *temp = makeNode(data);
    if (head == NULL)
        return temp;

    struct node *loop = head;
    while (loop->next)
        loop = loop->next;
    loop->next = temp;

void printNodes(struct node *head)

    struct node *loop = head;
    while (loop)
        printf("%d ", loop->data);
        loop = loop->next;

int main()
    struct node *head = NULL;
    head = insertEnd(5, head);
    head = insertEnd(10, head);
    head = insertEnd(15, head);
    head = insertEnd(20, head);

    printf("%d", head->data); <-- The data inside the head node doesn't get printed

您的 insertEnd 缺少针对一般情况的 return 语句。


return head;
struct node *insertEnd(int data, struct node *head)
    struct node *temp = makeNode(data);
    if (head == NULL)
        return temp;

    struct node *loop = head;
    while (loop->next)
        loop = loop->next;
    loop->next = temp;
    return head; //I think you missed this in your implementation

或者,您始终可以在开头添加项目,然后反向打印列表。正如@maraca 在评论部分提到的那样。请访问 here 查看在链表中插入节点的不同方法。