
What is the lifetime of a temporary object bound to a reference in a new-initializer?

来自 工作草案的 [class.temporary],C++ 编程语言标准

(6.12) — A temporary bound to a reference in a new-initializer ([expr.new]) persists until the completion of the full-expression containing the new-initializer.

[Note 7: This might introduce a dangling reference. — end note]

[Example 5:

struct S { int mi; const std::pair<int,int>& mp; };
S a { 1, {2,3} };
S* p = new S{ 1, {2,3} };       // creates dangling reference

end example]

是否表示绑定到S的引用成员mp的临时对象{2,3}一直持续到表达式new S { 1, {2,3} }的求值,或者直到求值表达式 S* p = new S{ 1, {2,3} }?

完整表达式为 S* p = new S{ 1, {2,3} }