如何使用 Hibernate Validator 验证重写的方法参数?

How to validate overridden methods parameters with Hibernate Validator?

关于 this doc I understand that if I have my GroupService which implements GroupManager and overrides its methods, then I cannot annotate with validation constraints since Hibernate Validator doesn't allow it (which turns out to be known as the Liskov substitution principle)。我的意思是做类似

public class GroupService implements GroupManager{

    public List<String> findUsersInGroup(@NotNull String groupName) {


  1. 我可能无法修改界面(在本例中 GroupManager 属于 Spring Security)。那我该怎么做呢?
  2. 我认为这些验证约束不应该影响接口,因为它们是接口实现的一部分,所以如果我想要任何其他服务实现,我不应该将它与这些验证挂钩.也许有了这个新的我想实现另一种验证,并且 Hibernate Validator 迫使我 'dirty up' 接口

I could probably not have access to modificate interface (as this case where GroupManager belongs to Spring Security). How should i do in this case?

您可以使用 xml 配置,因为 JSR-303(Bean 验证)支持它。例如

<constraint-mappings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                     xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/validation/mapping validation-mapping-1.0.xsd"
    <bean class="GroupManager" ignore-annotations="true">
        <method name="findUsersInGroup">
            <parameter type="java.lang.String">
                <constraint annotation="javax.validation.constraints.NotNull"/>

参见 hibernate doc 中的 xml 配置章节。

I have the thought that these validation constraints should not affect the interface since they are part of its implementation


When a method is overridden in sub-types method parameter constraints can only be declared at the base type. The reason for this restriction is that the preconditions to be fulfilled by a type's client must not be strengthened in sub-types (which may not even be known to the base type's client).

方法的先决条件不应由子类型加强。如果您说您的子类型 GroupService 不允许 null 参数,您可能会加强前提条件。例如。使用 GroupManager 的客户端可能不知道(也不应该知道)它是 GroupServiceGroupManager接口不对参数做任何限制。因此,如果您这样做,就会破坏以前合法的客户代码。这违反了 Liskov substitution principle.

遗憾的是 GroupManager javadoc 没有限制参数。因此,法律实施必须处理所有情况。


  • 如果一个方法定义了一个参数,那么它不能是null
  • 如果参数是可选的 - 创建重载方法并在内部处理可选参数。例如。通过使用 null object pattern.



i think possible that i have impl "A" and impl "B" (both implementing same interface) where impl "A" has more (and different) validations than "B"

如果是这样,它们就没有相同的界面或 api。您看到的是两者具有相同的方法签名。但是两个相等的方法签名不能共享相同的 api 契约。当我谈论接口时,我会想到契约 而不仅仅是签名。想象一下下面的界面:

public class Container {

     * @return a non-empty collection of elements. 
     public Collection<Element> getElements();


Container container = ....;
Element firstElement = container.getElements().iterator().next();

因为合约说它 returns 是一个非空集合。

如果我们更改 javadoc 并因此更改 post-条件...

  * @return a collection of elements. 
  public Collection<Element> getElements();




As GroupManager javadoc doesn't restrict the parameter ,a legal impl must handle every situation'? Is that validating params inside method?

是的。如果接口不对参数添加任何限制,则实现必须处理每个状态,因为客户端可能会传递参数 在任何状态下。