使用 nodejs 进行 chrome 扩展

make chrome extension using nodejs


We are building Chrome Extension. and we need to get the python code in the process.


  1. I know that python code can be imported using Node JS.
  2. Node JS is used to create servers
  3. Chrome extension is not building server, but making programs(maybe client?)




  1. Do We need to create server with node js and communicate with chrome extension(using socket.io)?
  2. Is there another way to apply node js in chrome extension?
  3. Is there another way to get the python code into the extension?

您的 Chromium 网络扩展代码必须是纯客户端 Javascript 结构为 browser's extension environment 中的 运行。在该环境中不支持 nodejs 或 python;这是非常有限的。因为 cybercreeps.

您可以在扩展代码中使用 XmlHttpRequest 或 fetch 操作来访问网络服务。您的扩展程序清单需要 grant permission 才能访问您的服务器。

您可以通过构建和托管服务器供您的扩展程序使用来满足您的要求。你可以使用nodejs和expressand/orsocket.io这样的框架,也可以使用python、python-socketio, and a framework like Flask or Django. If you build your server with python, it probably will perform better than a nodejs serves that spawns child processes到运行python。安装、调试、维护肯定会更方便。