在 Pynput 中检索用于单击和释放的 x 和 y 鼠标位置

Retrieving x and y mouse positions for click and release in Pynput

我正在使用带有 pynput 的 Python 3.9.7,我想检索鼠标的 x 和 y 位置,分别单击和释放 并将其保存到变量中在函数之外on_click(例如:按下时 px = x 位置,释放时 rx = x 位置)用于其他函数用法

代码如下,代码修改自Pynput documentations:

from pynput import mouse
import time

px = 0
py = 0
rx = 0
ry = 0

pressed_location = 0, 0
released_location = 0, 0

def on_click(x, y, button, pressed):
    global pressed_location
    global released_location
    global px,py,rx,ry
    if pressed:
        pressed_location = x, y
        px = x
        py = y
        released_location = x, y
        rx = x
        ry = y
        #debugging inside functions
        #print('You pressed at {0}x{1} and released at {2}x{3}'.format(*pressed_location, *released_location))
        print('Inside function pressed at {0}x{1}'.format(*pressed_location, *released_location))
        print('Inside function released at {2}x{3}'.format(*pressed_location, *released_location))
        return False
listener = mouse.Listener(on_click=on_click)

#debugging outside functions
print ("Outside function pressed: ", px , "x" ,py)
print ("Outside function released: ", rx , "x" , ry)  

然而,我对输出感到困惑(在函数外部,因为它仍然显示 0,而在函数内部的变量显示实际值。)示例结果如下: 我只是希望函数内部变量的值可以“转移”到函数外部的变量。提前致谢。

Outside function pressed:  0 x 0
Outside function released:  0 x 0
>>> Inside function pressed at 293x249
Inside function released at 768x815



from pynput import mouse
import time

pressed_location = 0, 0
released_location = 0, 0

def on_click(x, y, button, pressed):
    global pressed_location
    global released_location
    if pressed:
        pressed_location = x, y
        released_location = x, y
        print('You pressed at {0}x{1} and released at {2}x{3}'.format(*pressed_location, *released_location))

listener = mouse.Listener(on_click=on_click)

while True:

我创建了一个全局变量 pressed_location,我们为其赋予了默认值。如果用户按下鼠标,位置就会存储在那里。如果用户释放鼠标,我们会显示按下的位置和释放的位置。


You pressed at 103x412 and released at 299x559
You pressed at 207x478 and released at 207x478


修改了好久的代码,终于成功了。 感谢 iѕєρєня 和 Robson 的帮助

from pynput import mouse
import time

global pressed_location
global released_location
px = py = rx = ry = 0

def on_click(x,y, button, pressed):
    global px
    global py
    global rx
    global ry
    if pressed:
        px, py = x, y

        rx , ry = x, y

    if not pressed:
        print("Inside function pressed x : " ,px , " ", py)
        print("Inside function released y : " ,rx, " ", ry)

        return False
        return px
        return py
        return rx
        return ry

listener = mouse.Listener(

# some times needed for function to finish register the mouse location
print("Outside function pressed x : " ,px , " ", py)
print("Outside function released y : " ,rx, " ", ry)


Inside function pressed x :  505   206
Inside function released y :  1084   892
Outside function pressed x :  505   206
Outside function released y :  1084   892