从 Gitlab 13.11.4 升级到 Gitlab 14.2.3

Upgrading from Gitlab 13.11.4 to Gitlab 14.2.3

我将 GitLab docker 图像更改为最新版本,但是在 运行 之后,服务没有启动,只是记录这个,我该怎么办?

    Current version: gitlab-ce=14.2.3-ce.0
    Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
    And restart this container to reload settings.
    To do it use docker exec:
      docker exec -it gitlab editor /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
      docker restart gitlab
    For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme
    If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:
      docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
      docker restart gitlab
    Cleaning stale PIDs & sockets
    It seems you are upgrading from major version 13 to major version 14.
    It is required to upgrade to the latest 14.0.x version first before proceeding.
    Please follow the upgrade documentation at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/update/index.html#upgrading-to-a-new-major-version


It seems you are upgrading from major version 13 to major version 14. It is required to upgrade to the latest 14.0.x version first before proceeding. Please follow the upgrade documentation at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/update/index.html#upgrading-to-a-new-major-version

This 提供更多信息。


  1. 备份您的数据文件夹
  2. 升级到 13.12.11-ce(当前主要版本的最后一个次要版本)
  3. 升级到14.0.10-ce(新主要版本的第一个次要版本)
  4. 升级到 14.2.3-ce(您的目标,即新主要版本的最后一个次要版本)

检查 here 以获取 docker 图片的最新列表。

升级版本步骤: 8.11.Z -> 8.12.0 -> 8.17.7 -> 9.5.10 -> 10.8.7 -> 11.11.8 -> 12.0.12 -> 12.1.17 -> 12.10.14 -> 13.0 .14 -> 13.1.11 -> 13.8.8 -> 最新 13.12.Z -> 最新 14.0.Z -> 14.1.Z -> 最新 14.Y.Z