How to sort array by distance from coordinates and model
class FeedCourseListViewModel: ObservableObject {
let locationManager = LocationManager.shared
let courses: [Course]
var nearestCourses = [Course]()
init(courses: [Course]) {
self.courses = courses
func fetchClosestCourses() {
if let location = locationManager.location {
let clLocationArray = courses.map { CLLocation(latitude: [=10=].location.latitude, longitude: [=10=].location.longitude) }
let sortedLocations = clLocationArray.sorted(by: { location.distance(from: [=10=]) < location.distance(from: )})
let prefixedLocations = sortedLocations.prefix(20)
let nearestLocations = courses.filter { course in
prefixedLocations.contains { location in
course.location.latitude == location.coordinate.latitude && course.location.longitude == location.coordinate.longitude
nearestCourses = nearestLocations
struct Course: Identifiable, Decodable {
let id: String
let name: String
let location: Location
struct Location: Decodable {
let latitude: Double
let longitude: Double
[课程] => [CLLocation] => [已排序 - CLLocation] -> [第 20 个 - 已排序 - CLLocation]
筛选 [Courses](如果它在之前的结果中)。
但是,您应该直接对 Courses
进行排序,并首先获得 20。
let sortedCourses = courses.sorted(by: { aCourse1, aCourse2 in
let location1 = CLLocation(latitude: aCourse1.location.latitude, longitude: aCourse1.location.longitude)
let location2 = CLLocation(latitude: aCourse2.location.latitude, longitude: aCourse2.location.longitude)
return location.distance(from: location1) < location.distance(from: location2) })
nearestCourses = Array(sortedCourses.prefix(20))
class FeedCourseListViewModel: ObservableObject {
let locationManager = LocationManager.shared
let courses: [Course]
var nearestCourses = [Course]()
init(courses: [Course]) {
self.courses = courses
func fetchClosestCourses() {
if let location = locationManager.location {
let clLocationArray = courses.map { CLLocation(latitude: [=10=].location.latitude, longitude: [=10=].location.longitude) }
let sortedLocations = clLocationArray.sorted(by: { location.distance(from: [=10=]) < location.distance(from: )})
let prefixedLocations = sortedLocations.prefix(20)
let nearestLocations = courses.filter { course in
prefixedLocations.contains { location in
course.location.latitude == location.coordinate.latitude && course.location.longitude == location.coordinate.longitude
nearestCourses = nearestLocations
struct Course: Identifiable, Decodable {
let id: String
let name: String
let location: Location
struct Location: Decodable {
let latitude: Double
let longitude: Double
[课程] => [CLLocation] => [已排序 - CLLocation] -> [第 20 个 - 已排序 - CLLocation]
筛选 [Courses](如果它在之前的结果中)。
但是,您应该直接对 Courses
进行排序,并首先获得 20。
let sortedCourses = courses.sorted(by: { aCourse1, aCourse2 in
let location1 = CLLocation(latitude: aCourse1.location.latitude, longitude: aCourse1.location.longitude)
let location2 = CLLocation(latitude: aCourse2.location.latitude, longitude: aCourse2.location.longitude)
return location.distance(from: location1) < location.distance(from: location2) })
nearestCourses = Array(sortedCourses.prefix(20))