unity banner ad admob v5.3.0 不显示

Unity banner ad admob v5.3.0 not showing


使用 GoogleMobileAds v 5.3.0

Google AdMob 已启用,我输入了我的应用程序 ID

我的游戏在 google 上直播 我使用此代码显示添加(来自 youtube), 当我 运行 编辑器中的游戏时,我在控制台中得到了这个

Dummy.ctor/ 虚拟初始化/ Dummy.ctor/ 虚拟 CreateBannerView/ 虚拟 ShowBannerView /

using UnityEngine;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;
using System;

//Banner ad
  public class Addload : MonoBehaviour
private string banner = "my ad ID";
private BannerView bannerad;

private void Start()
    MobileAds.Initialize(InitializationStatus => { } );



private void RequestBanner ()


    bannerad = new BannerView(banner, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);

    AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();



我想你真的忘记加载广告了。参见:Banner Ads

bannerad = new BannerView(banner, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Bottom);

// Create an empty ad request.
AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder().Build();

// Load the banner with the request.