如何将HTML标签转换成WordDoc文本格式?使用 DOCX.js 库

How To Convert HTML Tags Into WordDoc Text Format? Using DOCX.js Library

我在将 HTML 文本转换为 word 文档支持格式时遇到问题,因此我可以使用 docx.js 库生成文档文件。现在 HTML 标签显示为计划文本。


  During an address to Congress, George Washington said “If you can’t send money, send cigars.” [pause]  Or something like that.  [pause]  There’s no question that Washington was a wise man.  He knew that premium quality cigars are worth their weight in gold. And if he were alive today, he’d be running the country from the lounge at 
  <strong>No Name Cigar Company.</strong> 
  Where the conversation never comes to an end &#8211; and neither does their premier cigar selection. Mingle with legends &#8211; at 
  <strong>No Name Cigar Company.</strong>
<p>Visit them online at <strong>NoNameWebsite.com</strong></p>`

您好请使用googoose 这工作得非常快而且没有故障


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>              
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/aadel112/googoose@master/jquery.googoose.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    var o = {
        filename: 'test.doc'

The content that is rendered to a Word doc will need to be wrapped in a div with the classname googoose-wrapper, by default.
<div class="googoose-wrapper">  
<p><strong>voice:</strong> During an address to Congress, George Washington said “If you can’t send money, send cigars.” [pause]  Or something like that.  [pause]  There’s no question that Washington was a wise man.  He knew that premium quality cigars are worth their weight in gold. And if he were alive today, he’d be running the country from the lounge at <strong>No Name Cigar Company.</strong> Where the conversation never comes to an end &#8211; and neither does their premier cigar selection. Mingle with legends &#8211; at <strong>No Name Cigar Company.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Visit them online at <strong>NoNameWebsite.com</strong></p> 