它如何知道字符串何时结束而没有终止符? (下面的代码)

How does it know when string ends without a terminator? (Code below)

我正在 MARS 上学习 MIPS,但我对以下代码感到困惑。因为当我将输入的字符串加载到保留的 space 中时,即使没有终止符,代码也能正常输出。为什么是这样? 我认为每个字符串都需要一个终止符,以便输入缓冲区知道何时停止。 是自动填写还是...?提前致谢。 代码是:

# Filename: mips3.asm
# Author: me
# Program to read a string from a user, and
# print that string back to the console.
prompt:     .asciiz "Please enter a string: "
output:     .asciiz "\nYou typed the string: "
input:      .space 81       # Reserve 81 bytes in Data segment
inputSize:  .word 80        # Store value as 32 bit word on word boundary
                        # A word boundary is a 4 byte space on the
                        # input buffer's I/O bus.
# Word:
    # A Word is the number of bits that can be transferred
    # at one time on the data bus, and stored in a register
    # in mips a word is 32 bits, that is, 4 bytes.
    # Words are aways stored in consecutive bytes,
    # starting with an address that is divisible by 4

# Input a string.
li $v0, 4
la $a0, prompt

# Read the string.
li $v0, 8           # Takes two arguments
la $a0, input       # arg1: Address of input buffer
lw $a1, inputSize   # arg2: Maximum number of characters to read

# Output the text
li $v0, 4
la $a0, output

# Print string
li $v0, 4
la $a0, input

# Exit program
li $v0, 10

MARS 系统调用文档:

... Service 8 — Follows semantics of UNIX fgets.  For specified length n, the input string from the user can be no longer than n-1.  If the input string is less than that, this syscall adds newline to end. In either case, this syscall pads with null byte. ...

因此,在您的情况下,任何 78 字节或更少字节的输入字符串都会得到一个换行符和一个空终止符。


另一方面,.space 81 将在程序加载时为零,因此在第一个系统调用之后,您将看到零填充到末尾,但同一区域的第二个不一定(即如果输入更短),因此 syscall#8 的空终止行为是有用的,也是必要的——特别是因为服务没有 return 输入的长度!

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