在服务上使用 Vue 3 反应性有意义吗?

Does it make sense using Vue 3 reactivity on a service?

我找到了以下 DataTable code snippet by PrimeVue, that uses the new Compositon API

import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import ProductService from './service/ProductService';

export default {
    setup() {
        onMounted(() => {
            productService.value.getProductsSmall().then(data => products.value = data);

        const products = ref();
        const productService = ref(new ProductService());
        return { products, productService }

ref() ProductService 有意义吗?


我认为可能是为了与选项 API:

import ProductService from './service/ProductService';

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            products: null
    productService: null,
    created() {
        this.productService = new ProductService();
    mounted() {
        this.productService.getProductsSmall().then(data => this.products = data);

但是 productService 不是 data 对象的一部分,因此它不是反应性的,并且因为它是一个不保持状态的服务,所以不需要保持状态。