优化 where 子句中的 SQL 子查询

Optimising SQL sub query in where clause

我有 sql 使用 Oracle SQL Developer 可以正常工作,但我担心更大的实时数据库的性能。

请原谅所有加入 tables,这显示了与保存审计历史记录的 _aud table 和 revision_table 的连接。

select cust.forename, cust.surname
from customer cust
join section_details sd on cust.section = sd.section
-- this value is substituted programatically
sd.type = 5 and
  (select max(rt.timestamp)
  customer cust_tmp1
  join section_details sd on cust_tmp1.section = sd.section
  join measure msr on sd.measure = msr.id
  join measure_aud msr_a on msr.id = msr_a.id
  join revision_table rt on msr_a.rev = rt.id
  cust_tmp1.id = cust.id and msr.measure = 'Last Contact Date')
  (select max(rt.timestamp)
  customer cust_tmp2
  join section_details sd on cust_tmp2.section = sd.section
  join measure msr on sd.measure = msr.id
  join measure_aud msr_a on msr.id = msr_a.id
  join revision_table rt on msr_a.rev = rt.id
  cust_tmp2.id = cust.id and  msr.measure = 'Last Order Date')

简而言之,如果 'Last Contact Date' 比 'Last Order Date' 更新,我只想检索客户详细信息。我最终检查了一个 select 的 max(timestamp) 是否大于另一个 select.

的 max(timestamp)


除了 msr.measure = 'Last Contact Date' 或 'Last Order Date'.




您可以将其切换为 exists:

exists (select max(rt.timestamp)
        from customer cust_tmp1 join
             section_details sd
             on cust_tmp1.section = sd.section join
             measure msr
             on sd.measure = msr.id join
             measure_aud msr_a
             on msr.id = msr_a.id join
             revision_table rt
             on msr_a.rev = rt.id
        where cust_tmp1.id = cust.id and
              msr.measure in ( 'Last Contact Date', 'Last Order Date')
        having max(case when msr.measure = 'Last Contact Date' then rt.timestamp end) >
               max(case when msr.mesure = 'Last Order Date' then rt.timestamp end)



具有不同 WHERE 条件的相同查询通常转换为 CASE:

select cust.forename, cust.surname
from customer cust
  -- this value is substituted programatically
   sd.type = 5 
and exists
 ( select *
   customer cust_tmp1
   join section_details sd on cust_tmp1.section = sd.section
   join measure msr on sd.measure = msr.id
   join measure_aud msr_a on msr.id = msr_a.id
   join revision_table rt on msr_a.rev = rt.id
   where cust_tmp1.id = cust.id

   having max(case when msr.measure = 'Last Contact Date' then rt.timestamp end)
        > max(case when msr.measure = 'Last Order Date'   then rt.timestamp end)


select cust.forename, cust.surname
from customer cust
join section_details sd on cust_tmp1.section = sd.section
join measure msr on sd.measure = msr.id
join measure_aud msr_a on msr.id = msr_a.id
join revision_table rt on msr_a.rev = rt.id
  -- this value is substituted programatically
   sd.type = 5 
group by cust.forename, cust.surname
having max(case when msr.measure = 'Last Contact Date' then rt.timestamp end)
     > max(case when msr.measure = 'Last Order Date'   then rt.timestamp end)

我尝试了此处发布的解决方案,它们似乎都有效,非常感谢您的回复 - 我之前没有研究过 having 子句。

我添加了所有必需的索引并 运行 解释了所有选项的计划,我的原始查询成本最低。所以我想我会继续使用这个选项。